Retrieval Circle P.3

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Forgive me...


Demo didn't leave your side that entire time.

He was on protective mode the whole night.At some point he considered taking a big chomp on your hoodie and carrying you like a lost puppy back to the house full of killers.He didn't for he instead cuddle with his master who was calmer and more happier in his presences.He didn't wanna make you sad.So he stayed and be a good boy for you.

At this time you would have a hard time sleeping, afraid for your life, but with Demo here you slept peacefully for once.It was truly nice...

That was till the jiggling of your locked door knob was heard, loud within the silence, Demo watching with a deep growl coming from him.

"Bitch unlock this fucking door.Your punishment is long overdue slut!"


God dammit why now?

You didn't know what to do.You have a Demogorgon in your room yes, but what if Demo gets hurt by him too?Most likely not but it concerns you to no end.Demo already knew what to do.He took a big chomp of the back of your sweater and, carrying you like a lost puppy, out the window of your 3rd floor apartment complex.Scary as shit but he was careful on everything he did, soon running back to the house full of killers.

Now remember the three killers that each came out to search for you?

Yeah.....they were invading the house the exact moment you left with Demo.Jason easily slammed Richard into a wall, crushing his skull with his bear hands, while Uii finds June asleep in her shared room with Richard.Soon killing her off too.

The only one who wasn't killing was Michael.He just sat on the couch in the living room, letting his two killer friends who forced his ass here do the hard work.Watching T.V while at it.

He really didn't give a shit about you..

As the two were done Uii finds out you indeed were here, with another creature of sorts, not long finding you escaping from the window.From the 3rd floor..

Jason however, see it was your room, began to pack things to take back to the house.Cloths, art supplies, books, you name it.Uii however said 'Fuck it.' and jump out the window, land successfully, and run after the hot trail.

Now at this time, you and Demo so happen to take a break. As fine as it was Demo tends to chase animals like rabbits and deers back and forth, it was all fun and games till he decides to bring it's corpse back and feed you what he caught....a headless skunk.

In Demo's mind when he is upset he goes hunt. This was a way to comfort you, by feeding you the food he caught.

It was sweet of him till it all went down hill.

"Get down!"

Not expecting to hear another voice your mind had little time to register the gun shots. Shoved out of the way Demo attacked them, only they were all prepared for this moment.A beastly roar like screech echoes throughout the night as a trap went off. Leaves flew up into the air as Demo was trapped in this net. He knew he could break it and escape only he wasn't prepared to be elocuted none stop. Demo's pain increasing every second.

"Demo!" He was too high up, how can you even help him "Let him go!"

The people who captured him seemed to ignore your plea to help Demo in return for saving you from death. Two cops gripped your arms and toss you in this van with no windows. All you could do was shout bloody murder as Demo cries out in a pain filled plea. They were hurting Demo without a single sign of mercy. The screeching dulls to the point your heart beat is all you hear. The silence was then filled with more elecuting over and over again. Demo screeching louder and louder than ever before.

They were planning to elecute Demo to death.

Your heart hurts. Your voice cracking at your countless pleas for Demo to be set free. This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair!

"What the hell is th--"

A explosion was what cut off one of the cops. Jumping back more screams and shouts came from the police men. Gun shots, to many to count, were shot to which only results with the sound of a pain cry or another explosion. To many things were happening around you. Just what in the hell was happening out there?

Your answer was the doors being ripped open. And before you was Uii. Bloody and all.

A smile was all you can muster "Uii!"

He seemed to be in a rush to get out of here. Once he helped you out of the truck it turns out he had already helped Demo down. For being a big strong alien thing, he was weaken terribly. You two thought he may accidentally fall over or possible go unconscious.

Uii had a plan to help Demo, a good solid plan, only he was shot at. Immediately buckling to the ground due to how much pulsing electricity set upon him. Uii cursed in his own tongue. He should have checked for survivors.

"Crap!" you didn't know what to do for your shot at with a sleeping dart then tazor.

Demo, with little strength he has, did his best to keep these dangerous men away from you and Uii's bodies. Sadly he was ganged up on. Each of them shot a mixture of sleep darts and tazor's at Demo. The pain was so horribly numbing for Demo held little time to prepare for the longest nap of his life.

The remaining policemen tossed both Uii and Demo in the same vehicle while you, a human like them, was tossed in a normal police car. Satisfied with themselves they all drove off, leaving little evidence behind as possible....

Scary Is Cute [Slashers x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang