Photos Within Lies

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You were having the time of your life, hanging out with a killer clown who eats children and a 90s men who are all hot as fuck vampires teenagers who will forever age like fine wine, but now?Right now your goal is to win a over sized (F/C) fluffy bat.Each and everyone of them watching and laughing at your utter failure for the past hour and a half.

"Your aiming too low cupcake!" Marko points out mid giggle at your frustration, not long Paul chimes in with cash in hand "The night is young, here, let us help-."

Immediately like that you pull out another five dollar bill, like a bolt of electricity itself, slam that sucker on the table.Legit scared the owner of that very tent who was busy blowing more balloons to pop.

"...You really want that toy huh?"

Not missing a beat you snap your head to the two vampires saying a quick 'I will win it.It's going to be mine!' then snatched the pins and randomly threw it at the balloons, hoping to get at least enough to have that darn bat.

By this time, Pennywise was hunting for his dinner not to long ago, David watch over his group and you....but it was around their time to go get feast themselves..

Dwayne then gives David a hunger like look, a sign that one of his lost boys were at their near limits.

A bad sign that must be solved immediately.

So they had no choice but to leave you to your endless game..

"Wow you throw like a two year old, ya know that?"

Confused at the new voice you turn to only see a new face, not The Lost Boys, soon tilt your head back in slight frustration "The bat, it's too fluffy to be left behind!"

The man snickers "You won't win it the way your throwing sweet heart." not long a charming smile sent you into a immediate blushing mess "Mind if this stranger here gives a beautiful doll like you a hand?"

And you did.

Taking your hand, that holds the throwing needle, he stood right behind you, correcting your aim with words of his own advice.One of his arm however snakes around your waist, pulling you back first to his chest from behind you, it was no lie this man was built under there..

"I think your ready." He then let's you go, now free to move again, not long arms crossed with a cheeky grin "Relaxe and throw darling."

Doubting you were not ready you still were dead on wanting to win.So taking a second, deep inhale and long exhale, your aim was for all the red hit every single one without missing a beat.

You, unlike the stranger who helped you who cheers for your accomplish, were dead on flabbergasted.

" way did I just-!"

"Congrats kid!Pick any prize from my booth as you please!"

Immediately that stranger grabs your desired stuff animal "I'll be getting this for the lady.~" not long giving it to you dead on proud "That was some neat aiming kid."

Instead of saying anything back, finally processed that you dead on won, you could not hold back a squeal of utter joy as your hugging the poor giant bat.Jumping from one place to another like a sugar rush kindergartener.

But was that the end?


For several hours you and this stranger seemed to go from food courts, booths, mini stores, and various rides in the carnival.Mostly the roller coasters.

But the stranger?The man was funny and had such a dark sarcastic personality really reminding you of two ghost themed slashers back there with Demo.The guy was even kind enough to have a nice walk on the dock, his coat around your form as your scarf around his neck once a while dancing in the wind, the walk so calming as the water below was all you hear.

"Can't believe those guys ditched you, I'll fucking kill them for doing that if that was me." He grumbles, making a stabbing motion in the air, making you two laugh at his antics.

"As bad as it sounds I don't think they really wanted to do that.." you point out, sooning noticed something in particular "....what's that?"

He stops, seeing where your pointing, then pulls out his mini camera from his pants pocket "Oh this?It's one of my favorite cameras, my part time job is a Photographer."

"Oh cool!What kind of photos do you take?" You beam, the man now feeling uncomfortable at this moment.

He rubs his nervously, eyes averted the other direction, mostly towards the sea "I rather not.." not a second later did he began to fiddle with it, soon facing it towards you kindly yet excited like "Wanna take a selfie?It won't take long I swear!"

Giggling you nod.Immediately the man did his magic and took three selfies with you two.The first was you and him with a sea view, the second was him towering over your short ass self, and the third?He let you do whatever you want so you chose the sandy shore, smiling as he took that picture right then and there.

Flicking through the pictures he let out a chuckle, a soft happy one at that "Perfect." then a buzz was heard, soon he hands you the three photos "Here, as a memory of this night."

Smiling you took them, softly and gently caressing the edge of the photo.What nice pictures...


Blinking twice you look up at him quizzingly "Jet?"

"My name is Jed Olsen dolly." He corrects, now towering over your form "What's yours beautiful?"

Gulping you told him "My name is-.."

"GET AWAY FROM (Y/N) DANNY JOHNSON!" Pennywise, in human form, growls so loud, mad yet points at you "I have been looking everywhere for you pumpkin spice!Talking to strangers are a no no!!"

Feeling guilty you did as told, once by Pennywise side, you give Jed a betrayed look " lied."

It may not look as so but that look sent his heart in a pinch and his whole body felt ever so heavy, immediately he recognized it as dead on unforgiving guilt.

"That name is what he used for his victims." Pennywise picks you up, piggy back and all it's glory, continues on "His real name is Danny Johnson.A ghostface killer just like Billy and Stu."

Danny then grunts, teeth grinding together "I wasn't going to harm her-."

"I think otherwise."

And like that Pennywise took you away to the lair of The Lost Boys, knowing it's been a long night, feeds and sends you to a nice make shift bed for the night left.

But what about The Lost Boys?

They were watching the whole thing.Now ot was their turn to decide the fate of this slasher known as Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson.

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