Chapter - 15{Kijins and Primordial Demons}

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When Shizue and the others reached near Rimuru, they saw she was helping others in doing their work. She is their leader and she considers it her job to help her people.

"Ohh. You guys are looking a little pale"

Rimuru asked them without looking at them.

"Well, they were also surprised after seeing Testa" Shizue replied casually.

"Is that so, well don't worry. You will not see her around here after today"

Rimuru replied and turned towards them with a smile.

What a cute face,’— they all thought in their head but they didn't dare think of her as some normal little girl.

"The reason I asked her to bring you here is that I have a proposal for all six of you"

Rimuru said to them, directly getting to the point without any delay.

"A proposal"

The Red-haired ogre mumbled.

"Yes! I want all of you to serve me and in return, I will give all of you a name, a place to live, food, and not mention my protection!"

She said with an excited voice.

"Us? Why do you want all of us to serve you? You already have many strong subordinates"

The leader asked slightly cautious.

"Oh. It's because I want to build a nation here and to do that I need some trustworthy subordinates, not strong subordinates" She answered them sincerely.

"Trustworthy! You didn't even know who we are and you think we are trustworthy,"

The pink-haired ogre asked her.

"You didn't abandon your teammate while fighting Shizue that was enough for me to know your personality," Rimuru said to them.

So that's why she didn't come?’ Shizue thought.

"So do you accept?"

They all started to pounder over her words and after discussing with each other for a while they all decided.

"We humbly accept your offer!!"

They all said while kneeling in front of Rimuru.

"Good. As I promised you. From now on your name will be Benimaru, and the pink hair name will be Shuna. Your name will be Shion, Souei, Hakurou, and Kurobe"

In a few breaths of time, she happily gave names to all of them, they all got surrounded by a layer of magicules and after a while, they all evolved into Kijins.

"Thank you Rimuru-Sama,"

Benimaru said while bowing. Seeing the scene Testarossa looked proud and happy for some reason.

"So you can take your time to adjust to the village. Well, I think I should call it a city now...

Benimaru I will make you the chief of the army. All the jobs related to the army are handled by you. Shuna I don't think you are good at fighting so you can help with making clothes and maybe you can also help in the kitchen.

Shion and Hakurou you both will teach others, how to fight. Shion will be taught about physical fights and Hakurou you will be teaching them swordsmanship.

Souei your job is to keep an eye around the city. In another word, you are a spy.

And last but not least Kurobe, I don't know for sure but I think you will love to work with Kaijin and his brother as a blacksmith."

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