Chapter - 26{Training}

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It's been a while since Gazel left the Tempest and we are working hard as usual. And bringing demons to the surface was the wisest decision I made since I started to build this town. Why? Because the demons put all the barriers around the road. They are helping Orcs in making roads because every demon is an archdemon their strength is not something to be joking about.

They can make a clear path to make a road in just some hours.

And the Orc can't follow their lead at all because they are just clearing the path but the Orcs are leveling the ground they are spreading concrete and again leveling the concrete.

So I just send one archdemon in a group of Orcs who are making roads. One archdemon in each group. On the other hand, Moss and others are training Benimaru and others. Even Milim was very happy while fighting with the Demons.

Of course, she spares with them in a four vs one battle. She was barely able to win with them though. Why? Because I banned her from using the battle mode inside the city. Last time she asked them to spare with her in an eight vs one battle and the result was the destruction of the training ground and his surrounding area. Milim wasn't able to hold eight Demon Lord's level opponents with her base form and used her ‘Battle Form’ and destroyed the whole training area with the demons.

Since then I banned her from using her ‘Battle Mode’ in her base form she can easily hold four of them but with more than four she is not that confident in herself to not destroy the training area again.

And today I'm going to see their spar so I can pinpoint their weaknesses. The moment I reach the training ground I saw Benimaru, Shion, and Souei all three fighting against Venom in a three vs one format. But still, they are losing I think I have to evolve them into Demon Lords pretty soon.

Because if they are losing against Venom this badly I can't imagine what happened when they will fight with Moss or worse Testa or Diablo.

Not like I will let that happen but the gap is far too big and keep increasing. But the reason I didn't evolve them into a Demon Lord is very simple they are not strong enough nor do they have enough experience.

On the other hand, the demon trio is not only strong they also have thousands of years of experience and in Shizue's case, but she is also very experienced not to mention Hana taught her.

I know she thinks I don't know but I saw her swordsmanship, she is using the same techniques that Hana used but with her special touch. Just like me, she didn't copy Hana she made variants of Hana's techniques for her, that suits her. Because of that, even the simple techniques of Hana's become something extraordinary when she uses them.

That's the reason why I evolved her into a Hero. If Hana hasn't been taught Shizue, her methods I haven't evolved Shizue this soon. Not to mention she has Raphael who can control her energy and powers.

But Benimaru and others didn't have anything like that not to mention Benimaru wasn't married yet. He is the leader of the Ogres Tribe he has to maintain his tribe by having a child.

If I evolved him and any other into a Demon Lord there is a high chance they will lose control over their power or they will lose their minds.

That's why I'm waiting for them to become stronger.

Let's see. Yes! Milim is still fighting with Moss, Beretta, Esprit, and Zonda. They are giving her a hard time, to be honest, Gobta and Beretta I have to say improve at a rapid speed just like Venom he is also a Genius. You can say that Gobta, Venom, and Beretta are real Monsters when it's come to improvement. The only reason Gobta is still far weaker than Benimaru and other Kijins is it's because of the difference in species.

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