Chapter - 34{Freedom Academy}

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It's been half a month since Shizue left and I started to work alone in my office. Why am I being this sad again? It's not like she is not gonna come back, on the contrary, today I'm going to leave for Ingrassia. Fufufu I'm going to surprise her with my presence, hmm should I buy some gifts for her and the children? Well, let's ask Ciel to make some gifts.

The representative of Animal Kingdom arrived here a week ago and was left today a while ago, that's why I'm going to leave today. All the paperwork was already done and the remaining work Benimaru and Diablo will take care of it.

Should I bring Testa with me..? No, the other two will make a fuss about it. Hmm, as I thought going alone will be the best option.

Let's say goodbye to all of my subordinates and Veldora first.

"Veldora I'm going, goodbye."

I said to Veldora who is busy reading manga and he just gave me a thumbs up. This idiot! Sigh. I guess there is nothing for him to do other than train Zegion and Apito.

"You idiot! While I'm gone you are responsible for the Tempest security."

With that said I teleported before he can utter a single word, humph I have to say goodbye to everyone.


After saying goodbye to everyone I teleported directly into the school where Shizue teaches. Hm-hm, not bad, the school is not bad at all, but I'm sure we can make a better one in Tempest in the future. There are schools in Tempest but they are not at the level of this one, I think it's time to build schools more seriously, well the construction of the road and highway is already complete, now we can focus on school and hospital construction.

Oh well just send the blueprint and the location to Geld and he will handle everything. I do have some helpful subordinates, don't I?

I entered the school gate and of course, meet with the guards.

"Miss, who are you."

The guard asked me, yes miss not a kid because I'm using my adult form, but looks like Ciel-San has hidden my appearance with illusion. Well, even though I'm wearing a copy of the mask that Shizue has, just my body is more than enough to make humans shutter in nervousness but seeing him talking to me normally looks like Ciel-San has cast some illusion spells on me.

<<Humph, some week humans aren't worthy of seeing, master's real appearance.>>

Hehe, you are just jealous~ accept it. How cute of you Ciel, I do really love your jealous side. It makes me feel good for some reason, maybe because I know the person I love is care about me?


Fufu, see you are embarrassed now.

"My name is Rimuru and I came here to meet with the principal of the school."

I replied to him with a smile.

"Miss, do you have an appointment?"

He asked me politely, an appointment to meet a principal? Did I underestimate this school? Wait! I have that adventurer card that Fuse gave me, can I use it here? Let's find out.

"Excuse me but I didn't have an appointment, will this be enough?"

I said to him as I showed him the adventurer card Fuse gave me I think it's an +A rank adventurer card. Didn't he underestimate my strength a little too much? Should I give him a demonstration of my strength? Ah! And Ciel-San also changes the photo on the card.

"A-An '+A rank' a-adventurer, please enter the school."

He gave me a salute and then gave me the direction to the principal's office and of course, I thanked him I'm a law-abiding, good nature, and soft-hearted person after all.

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