Chapter - 21{Orc Disaster}

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"What's the big idea?!" Our new ‘Star’ shouted in anger.

I think I can understand him, just think about it for a bit, you make a plan to rule the world and everything was going smoothly until some Hero appeared out of nowhere and started to mess with your perfect plane.


A giggle escaped from my mouth as I thought about his situation. He didn't notice it not any kaijin they are too focused on each other.

"How dare you ruin the great Lord Gelmud's plans?!"

I forget his name because it's been a very long time. If I'm not mistaken he was working for someone stupid. What was his master name was hmm...Forget it...whatever.

"A new Demon Lord who would have done my bidding was about to be born!"

Gelmud again angrily shouted with hatred clearly showing in his every word.

"A new Demon Lord..."

Benimaru murmured to himself as he shot an icy glare at Gelmud but he ignored Benimaru's glare and continued his rants.

"That's why I gave out so many names, sowed so many seeds! All to create the ultimate pawn!"

A pawn Demon Lord is not a bad idea but too bad for him, he chooses the wrong place.

"And that's why..." Suddenly I heard the cold voice of Hakurou.

" showed up..." Souei continued.

" our town?" Shion finished as their blood started to boil. Finally, they catch up with the real culprit.

"Just became the food for the Orc Lord already"

Gelmud spat in their mouth with hatred. Hmm, not a bad idea if I say myself. I think now I know how I will dispose of his corpse.

"Get them, Orc Lord!"

He ordered but Geld didn't even move one of his fingers he was just staring at him with a blank look.

"What do you mean by ‘evolving’ into a ‘Demon Lord’ Orc Disaster" He finally opened his mouth after a while.

"You will become an ‘Orc Disaster’ and rule over the Jura forest"

Rule the Jura forest isn't he has quite a big and impossible dream. Well, now I understand why they said that— Sometimes ignorance can be a blessing

"That's what I and ‘he’ desire"

I know he was working for a stupid if I recall his name correctly his name was... Clayman. Yes! Clayman. The Joker Demon Lord.

"Hey! you dumb pig why are you still standing! Attack!!"

He shouted at Geld but there is no response from him I think he was shorting out his thoughts.

Well, it's time to finish this I already saw enough for today.

Ciel-San Can—’ But before I finished my word my body already changed into my other form with white hair and blue eyes.

<<Already done.>>

Aren't you too excited Ciel

I teased her as I can feel her whole face turn red with embarrassment.

Let's finish this up. I landed in front of our ‘Superstar’ as he looked at me with surprise. I think he didn't notice me when I was flying above them.

"Hmm. Gelmud right! You said earlier ‘That's why I gave out so many names, sowed so many seeds!’ or something like that... Right?"

I said to him as he looked confused, but he nodded nonetheless. All the Kaijins also looked confused as they are looking at me like saying ‘what does it has to do with our current situation.’

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