Hide-and-Seek ~ SeungIn

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The members were having a day off, and they'd just decided to play a game of hide-and-seek in the dorm. Chan was the seeker, since he was the eldest.

"Okay, I'm gonna count to twenty-"

"Sloow-lyy!" interjected Hyunjin. Chan gave him a Look.

"-so you can all run along and hide. Don't make it too easy this time, either - last time the whole game only took five minutes!" Chan finished exasperatedly.

Seungmin stood still, watching as everyone else ran off in different directions. Where am I supposed to go? he wondered. Chan had started counting already, so he picked a direction at random and hurried off.

He didn't have much luck, though. Every place he went to, someone had got there before him. Running out of options, he headed to the last bedroom in the hallway, hoping no one was in there already.

"17 ... 18 ... 19 ... 20"

Seungmin slipped into the bedroom and shut the door just as Chan said the last number.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

He quickly scanned the room, looking for somewhere to hide. His eyes landed on the wardrobe along one wall, and he quickly pulled the door open and stepped inside, closing the door again quietly.

As soon as the door clicked shut, he was surrounded by darkness on all sides. He could feel clothes brushing against his back, so he sat down on the carpeted floor and waited for his breathing to slow down.

After a minute or so, his loud breaths subsided and gave way to a peaceful silence. Except it wasn't completely silent, he realised; he could hear some very soft breathing that definitely wasn't his own, as well as the occasional shuffling sound.

"Um ... who's there?" Seungmin asked softly.

"Me, you idiot!" Jeongin's voice wafted to him through the almost-silence.

"Oh, it's you!" Seungmin replied, surprised but happy. If he was going to be stuck in a wardrobe with one of the members, Jeongin was the one he would've picked. "Hang on a minute..."

He started shuffling sideways towards the other end of the wardrobe, the bottoms of coats, trousers and shirts brushing his head as he went past. Soon he bumped into a warm body, so he stopped.

"Fancy meeting you here!" Jeongin giggled.

"Yeah," Seungmin replied, grinning. "I hope he doesn't take too long. It's awfully stuffy in here."

"Mmm," Jeongin agreed.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, but soon Seungmin started feeling sleepy because of the warmth and closeness of the surroundings. "I'm gonna lie down for a bit," he said, stretching out on the carpet, his head in Jeongin's lap.

Jeongin was suddenly at a loss for what to do. Seungmin's proximity made his heart start racing, and he could feel a burning heat climbing up his cheeks. The two boys were just friends, but recently Jeongin had been feeling butterflies in his stomach every time they were near each other. He was very grateful for the darkness right now.

He sat as still as a statue, practically holding his breath, for about a minute, but at that point he just couldn't take it anymore. He quickly got up onto his knees, letting Seungmin's head fall onto the floor.

"Hey! What are you doing??"

"I'm gonna lie down too," Jeongin replied, crawling past Seungmin's body.

"Hang on, there isn't enough room! Urgh, fine, I'll get up - I guess I've had enough rest now..." Seungmin grumbled, starting to sit up.

But he was quickly pushed back down by Jeongin's hand on his chest. "No, don't get up. There's plenty of room - right here!" With that, Jeongin suddenly lay down on top of Seungmin, chest to chest and face to face.

"Oof!" complained the older boy, as the breath got knocked out of his lungs. "Watchit!"

He was very quickly distracted, though, by the realisation that the younger's face was only a centimetre above his own. He could feel Jeongin's warm breath on his cheeks, and it ... excited him for some reason. Fireworks started exploding in his mind ... but Jeongin just rested his cheek on Seungmin's shoulder and lay still.

Seconds ticked by, and all that could be heard was two sets of breathing. Seungmin could feel the younger's heart beating really fast, and he wondered if Jeongin was feeling okay. The older's arm started moving of its own accord, intent on wrapping itself across Jeongin's back.

But just before Seungmin's hand made contact, the younger stirred, and brought his head back in line with the older's. Seungmin shivered as he felt warm breath on his face once again.



"Have you ever kissed anyone?"

Seungmin was completely taken aback by the question, but he replied straight away. "No ... have you?"

"No," Jeongin sighed.

"I wonder what it's like," Seungmin wondered aloud. Silence hung between them for a long moment.

"Wanna find out?" Jeongin breathed.

Seungmin gulped.

"Umm ... ... Maybe?"

In less than a second, Jeongin's soft, warm lips were pressed against Seungmin's, and the older responded immediately. Their lips fit perfectly together, and both boys moaned softly in pleasure as they moved their mouths in unison. Jeongin ran his fingers through Seungmin's hair, while the older wrapped his arms around Jeongin's neck, pulling him even closer.

After a minute, they pulled apart to breathe, staring into each other's eyes as their faces were bathed in hot, steamy air. It was too warm for comfort now, and they could both feel trickles of sweat under their clothes. But neither made a move to pull away.

"Do you wanna do that again?" Jeongin whispered, a smile pulling at his lips.

Seungmin just nodded, too dazed to form words.

So they connected their lips once more, immediately deepening the kiss. Their tongues collided and swirled around each other, battling for dominance. Jeongin's hands settled around Seungmin's neck, while the older's hands slid slowly down Jeongin's back. Both of them let out soft moans from time to time, and it was as if the rest of the world didn't exist...

Lost in their own world, they were oblivious to the bedroom door opening and Chan walking in. He'd found all the others by now, and this was the only place he hadn't searched yet. He immediately thought of looking in the wardrobe, since there wasn't really anywhere else in the room to hide.

Stretching out his arm, he put his hand on the door knob, but just as he was about to turn it, he heard a strange sound coming from inside. Curious, he put his ear up against the door and listened. What he heard made his eyes pop, and he quickly let go of the door knob and stepped back. As he stood gazing at the wardrobe for a moment, his shocked expression changed into a fatherly smile. He headed out of the room then, closing the door quietly behind him.

"No, they're not in there," he told the others. "Maybe they went outside..."

Inside the wardrobe, the two boys were still deep in their new-found world of pleasure and excitement. They wouldn't be coming out for quite some time.

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