Two Hearts ~ HyunLix

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"Damnit!" Felix grumbled, frustration carving trenches in his forehead.

He was lying in bed, trying in vain to get comfortable. He had come back from using the bathroom a few minutes ago, but just couldn't lie still. Hyunjin was in the bathroom now, and Felix couldn't relax while he was out of the room.

Hyunjin had been on Felix's mind a lot lately. Of course, the older was never far from his mind, but something had changed recently. Felix had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that something momentous was about to happen, and it excited and terrified him in equal parts.

Rolling onto his back, he pulled the blanket up to his chin, doing his best to keep the chill night air out of his bed. It had been a very cold start to the year, and the snow from New Year's still hadn't melted. Of course there was heating in the dorm, but it never seemed to make it inside his bed.

About ten minutes later, while he was still tossing and turning, Felix heard Hyunjin come in and he instantly stopped moving. Rolling over, he watched the older walk to the bunk bed and start climbing the ladder. He wrestled with the thought of asking Hyunjin to join him; he was reluctant to bother him, but at the same time he was desperate for his closeness and warmth.

When Hyunjin was about halfway up the ladder, Felix came to a decision, softly calling out, "Jinnie!" The older turned to look at his room-mate, bending down awkwardly to see into the bottom bunk. Felix smiled warmly at him and patted the space next to him on the bed.

Hyunjin returned the smile and climbed back down the ladder. When he neared the bed, he saw that the covers had been pulled back and that Felix had moved towards the wall further, leaving a good-sized space free.

Hyunjin climbed into the bed, pulling the covers over him and looking at Felix with concern. The younger was a cuddle-bug, everyone knew that, but it was rare for him to invite Hyunjin into his bed. Usually that meant something was wrong.

As soon as Hyunjin pulled up the covers, Felix rolled over and pushed his back up against Hyunjin's chest, pulling the older's arms around himself. Hyunjin's breath caught in his throat as he felt the closeness of the younger's body. Felix's back was pressed so firmly against him that Hyunjin could feel the younger's heartbeat as clearly as his own.

He kissed the back of Felix's head, and murmured, "What's up, Baby?"

"I was lonely." Felix replied with a sigh. "And my bed was cold."

The older chuckled softly. "Well, not anymore," he said, giving Felix a quick squeeze.

"Can you stay for a while?" the younger asked after a moment.

"Of course, Baby," came the reply.

Hyunjin smiled to himself. He loved times like this, when he could cuddle with Felix to his heart's content, nuzzling his face into the crook of the younger's neck, and breathing in his heavenly scent. To be honest, he loved everything about the other boy - his deep, deep voice, his galaxy of cute freckles, his bright smile that could light up a room... It all boiled down to one simple truth: Hyunjin loved Felix.

The problem was, he was pretty sure Felix didn't love him. Sure, he gave him cuddles, but he gave all the members cuddles. And he hadn't once said anything to Hyunjin to suggest that he felt anything except friendship towards him. The older had tried to bring up his feelings on a number of occasions, but each time Felix immediately steered the conversation in another direction.

They had shared a bedroom for a couple of years now, but Hyunjin could count on one hand the times that Felix had invited him into his bed. And each one of those times turned out to be because Felix needed company, or comfort, or help getting to sleep. Hyunjin wished that just once it could be for a different reason.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" he asked the younger now. "Do you need to talk about anything?"

A long silence followed his question, and Hyunjin was beginning to wonder if Felix had fallen asleep, when the freckled boy spoke.

"No, I'm fine, really. I was just having trouble falling asleep, that's all. But now you're here, I'm feeling much better!"

Hyunjin could hear Felix's smile during the last sentence, which made his heart melt. Maybe it didn't matter why Felix wanted him in his bed. He was here, and Felix was happy; that was enough for now. Hopefully someday in the future things would change.

"Okay, if you're sure... Goodnight, then."

"Night, Jinnie," came the mumbled, sleepy reply.

So they lay there cuddled up together, enjoying each other's warmth and slow, steady heartbeats. Hyunjin marvelled at the fact that he could no longer distinguish one beat from the other. The two hearts were beating as one.

The boys' breathing gradually became slower, and eventually Hyunjin was sure that Felix was asleep. He kissed the nape of the younger's neck gently, letting his lips linger for a few moments on the soft skin. "I love you," he whispered, and the words hung in the air for a brief moment. Then he closed his eyes, his head relaxing on the pillow, and drifted off to sleep.

Felix listened to the older's breathing become slower and slower, eventually giving way to the gentlest of snores. Only then did he react to what he'd heard, a wide grin splitting his face in two. Jinnie loves me! Jinnie loves me! he thought excitedly, a shiver running through his body.

He had been waiting to hear those three words for longer than he could remember, and wanted to say them himself, but had never found the courage. Now he knew Hyunjin felt the same way, he was determined to be brave and confess his feelings the next opportunity he got.

Tomorrow, he promised himself. I'll do it then, I swear. With that thought filling his mind, and a warm, fuzzy contentment filling his soul, he closed his eyes and succumbed to sleep.

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