Story That Never Ends (Part 1) ~ HyunLix

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As the sun peeked over the horizon, it reflected off the snow that lay sprawled across the ground in all directions. It was a cold and frosty morning, but the sun made everything sparkle, chasing away the darkness and making the whole city look new and clean.

Felix, of course, knew none of this. He was snuggled up under the blankets, legs tangled chaotically with his boyfriend's, arms wound around the older's waist.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, was wide awake. He hadn't moved yet, though, choosing to stay wrapped around the younger's warm body, gazing adorably at his angelic face. He could easily stare at Felix forever, but he was starting to get a bit lonely; so he gently blew on the younger's right ear, and was delighted with the effect it produced.

Felix's nose scrunched up a little, in the cutest way; his eyelashes flickered momentarily, and his head moved from side to side the tiniest bit. He was like a little mouse, Hyunjin thought, as he blew on Felix's ear again.

This time, there was some unintelligible mumbling, and Felix's hand came up to swat away an imaginary fly, or fairy, or whatever he was currently dreaming about. Hyunjin giggled, and Felix finally opened his eyes blearily, taking a moment to focus on his boyfriend's god-given features.

"Wha- Oh, hello Jinnie..." he murmured, a smile blossoming on his face.

Hyunjin chose that moment to lean forward, placing a soft, gentle (but thoroughly enjoyable) kiss on his boyfriend's pink lips.

"Good morning, Sunshine. Happy Anniversary!"

Felix's eyes widened momentarily, before another smile lit up his whole face. "Happy Anniversary, Jinnie!"

A look of wonder then spread itself across his features. "Has it really been a whole year already??"

Hyunjin nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Mhm."

Smoothing out his boyfriend's touseled hair, he asked, "How do you wanna celebrate? Any special requests?"

Felix thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No, I don't want anything special. Spending the day with you is all I need."

The older's smile slipped for a second, and he asked, "You sure?"

Felix kissed Hyunjin's pouty lips, then said, "Well, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind more cuddles..."

Hyunjin grinned happily. "Now that I can do!"

And with that, he pulled the covers over their heads and snuggled into Felix's neck.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"'Morning, love-birds!" came Chan's chirpy voice. "I know it's your anniversary and all, but you need to get up now, 'cause we're leaving for practice in half an hour. See you in the kitchen in 5!"

Felix and Hyunjin sighed in unison. They indulged in one last kiss, then reluctantly threw the blankets off, and helped each other out of bed.

Hyunjin went to the wardrobe and rummaged around, while Felix stretched like a cat. A minute later, as he was lying on his back on the floor, some clothes landed on top of him.

"Thanks, Jinnie!" he murmured from under the clothes, before picking them up and hauling himself to his feet.

Once they were both dressed, they shared one more kiss before joining the other members in the kitchen.

"Happy Anniversary!" chorused the members as the couple entered the room.

They were all sitting around the big table, where a giant stack of pancakes was waiting to be consumed.

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