Strawberries ~ HyunLix

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Hyunjin's stomach growled. Groaning, he opened his eyes grumpily. He'd been in the middle of a particularly vivid day-dream about kissing Felix, and he really didn't want to stop. Closing his eyes again, he pictured Felix's soft, pink lips coming towards his, but just as they were about to touch, his stomach interrupted again. Louder this time.

Sighing dramatically, he swung his legs over the edge of his bed and climbed down the ladder, past Felix's empty bed. Hang on a minute, he suddenly thought, where is Felix? He hadn't seen the freckled boy for hours, and he was usually in bed by now.

Concerned, he left the bedroom and wandered out to the kitchen. (He was sure Felix could look after himself, but it seemed his stomach couldn't. So, food first.)

Opening the fridge, he discovered a punnet of strawberries, and happily poured half of them into a bowl. As he was closing the fridge again, he swore he heard someone crying in the loungeroom.

He wandered cautiously into the next room and saw that the TV was on, playing what looked like a soppy, romantic drama. Sitting watching it was none other than Felix, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks.

Hyunjin immediately put the bowl down on the table and sat next to Felix, enveloping him in a hug. The younger wrapped his arms around Hyunjin and sobbed into his shoulder. Not knowing what the cause of Felix's tears was, Hyunjin could only rub the younger's back and murmur soothing words in his ear, hoping that was enough.

After a minute or two, Felix's tears subsided, and he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Hyunjin cupped his cheeks and stared into his eyes, saying, "Are you okay, Baby?"

Felix nodded and smiled in embarrassment. "Yeah. Sorry you had to see that, Jinnie. It's just a stupid drama, I don't even know why I was crying."

Hyunjin shook his head, saying, "No, Baby, it's not stupid if you like it. And there's nothing wrong with you crying over it - it just makes me wanna cuddle you and hold you close."

Felix smiled gratefully at his boyfriend and cuddled up to his side. Hyunjin put his arm around the younger, and they settled down to watch the rest of the show together. It seemed the two main characters had been having a heated argument and had broken off their engagement, which is why Felix had been crying.

After they'd been watching for a while, Hyunjin's stomach rumbled again, and he remembered the strawberries. He got the bowl off the table and popped one of the juicy berries in his mouth, but then he looked at Felix and had an idea.

While the younger was engrossed in the TV, Hyunjin put a strawberry against his lips. Felix automatically opened his mouth and sucked in the strawberry, smiling as the juice burst on his taste buds.

Hyunjin's eyes sparkled as he took in that beautiful sight, absently putting another strawberry in his own mouth. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the younger's pink lips, now stained bright red from the strawberry juice. A red drop ran down from the corner of Felix's mouth, and Hyunjin watched, enthralled, as the boy's pink tongue darted out and licked it up.

He found it highly addictive, and, wanting to see more, he offered another juicy strawberry to Felix. The younger happily accepted it, munching on it before licking his lips to clean up the juice.

This time, however, the Australian turned and smiled at Hyunjin, before taking a strawberry out of the bowl between them and putting it to Hyunjin's lips. As their eyes met, the older smiled seductively, before sucking the strawberry into his mouth, along with Felix's finger-tips.

Felix looked surprised at that, but soon a wide grin engulfed his face. When Hyunjin offered him the next strawberry, he eagerly took the older's fingers into his mouth, caressing their full length with his lips and tongue.

Hyunjin's eyes widened as he watched Felix, a soft groan escaping his lips. Eyes locked onto Felix's, he put the half-empty bowl back onto the table and slowly leaned towards his boyfriend, a lustful look on his face.

He gently pushed Felix down so he was lying on his back on the lounge, and then lay down on top of him. Loving the fact that Felix seemed just as eager as he was, he leaned down and captured the younger's lips with his own.

The next few minutes were a blur of wet kisses and hot breath and feverishly-wandering hands. Both Hyunjin and Felix were intoxicated by the mere presence of the other boy, and the more touches they shared, the more their desire grew.

When Hyunjin had explored every crevice of Felix's mouth with his snake-like tongue, he moved on to the younger's neck, planting open-mouthed kisses under Felix's ear. When his boyfriend suddenly moaned loudly, he started sucking on the skin, grinning with delight as Felix writhed around in ecstasy, uncontrolled groans pouring out of his mouth.

The two boys were so caught up in what they were doing, that all thoughts of keeping their relationship secret had flown out of their heads. They were very lucky, in fact, that it was so late at night, and everyone else was already in bed.

Well, all but one person.

Chan was on his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water when he heard some ... interesting ... sounds coming from the loungeroom. Poking his head round the door curiously, he stopped dead in utter shock at the sight that greeted him.

He'd known Hyunjin and Felix were close, but he hadn't known they were that close! He suddenly smiled. Good for them, he thought to himself. Don't worry, guys, your secret's safe with me.

And with that, he turned around and walked back to his bedroom, a spring in his step.

Back in the loungeroom, the TV was still playing, the drama now coming to an end. If Felix had still been watching, he would've been very happy to see that the couple was in the process of making up - in more ways than one.

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