Dance Practice ~ HyunLix

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Felix glanced sideways and locked eyes with Hyunjin, a bright smile making its way onto his lips. He was beyond happy to be dancing with his boyfriend again, something that hadn't happened in four months. Hyunjin's absence had hit him hard, and he hadn't been able to wipe the smile off his face since the other boy had returned home.

After a couple of seconds, the blonde looked back to the front to find out what his next move was. They were currently dancing along to a video of their new choreography, the dance instructor watching from the side.

Felix shook his head slightly, cursing under his breath as he missed a step. He heard Hyunjin chuckle beside him and blushed. He felt a strong urge to turn his head again and gaze lovingly at his boyfriend, but he gritted his teeth and stayed focused, determined not to make any more mistakes.

A minute later, he found himself moving off to the very edge of the room, and a wave of sadness swept through him as he left Hyunjin's side. But when he turned around to face the centre, he looked up into the eyes he was already missing - Hyunjin was standing in the same position on the opposite side of the room. The two boys instantly grinned at each other, Felix feeling like a love-sick teenager as a burning heat climbed up his cheeks.

He kept his eyes glued on his boyfriend's as the other members danced in between them, flicking them to the front briefly to check for his next move. When the space between them cleared, he met Hyunjin in the middle, and they performed a series of steps together.

Even though this was their second run-through of the dance, Felix felt like he was constantly half a beat behind, always trying to catch up to everybody else. He glanced at Hyunjin again and sighed; the older was dancing perfectly, his long, dark hair swishing beautifully as he spun around.

Felix checked the video once more, and discovered to his horror that he'd somehow got himself into the wrong position entirely. In his shock, he froze for a second, then got his feet tangled up trying to fix his positioning. Arms suddenly flailing as he fought to keep his balance, he started to fall...

But before he hit the floor, two warm arms circled around his waist and pulled him upright. Letting out a sigh of relief, Felix looked up into a pair of smiling eyes, set in an angelic face framed by long, dark hair.

"Thanks, Jinnie! What would I do without you?"

Hyunjin smiled lovingly at the freckled boy as he set him on his feet again. Just then, the music suddenly stopped, and Chan could be heard sighing loudly.

"You okay, Lix?" he asked as he came towards the pair.

"Yeah, sorry..." Felix replied.

"Okay, let's start from the top again. Everyone get in position!"

Felix exchanged looks with Hyunjin as they returned to their starting positions. He was embarrassed about the fall, but to be honest, he was happy with any excuse to keep dancing beside his boyfriend. He had four months to make up for, after all.

The video started again, and they followed along, this time making it all the way through. To Felix's relief, he finally seemed to be getting the hang of the choreography, and there weren't any more major problems. He couldn't stop smiling at Hyunjin, though, every time they held hands, or stood opposite each other, or even just danced next to each other for a while.

When they'd done a full run-through several more times, Chan called a halt and gave the members a five-minute break while he spoke to the choreographer.

Felix and Hyunjin made their way to the side of the room, the younger immediately lying down and closing his eyes. Not long after, he felt a gentle touch on his cheek, and opened his eyes to see his boyfriend smiling down at him.

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