Family Photos ~ MinSung

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"Okay, let's take some photos to finish off!"

Chan rounded everyone up and got them in position, 'couples' side-by-side. Numerous grumbles could be heard, and the members didn't look happy at all.

Chan sighed. "Come on guys, I know it's been a long day and you all just wanna go home. But can we just do this properly? It's for Stay, remember?"

"Sorry, hyung..." came the response from all sides, as the members grudgingly put on their 'loving' smiles and gazed at each other 'adoringly'.

Minho sighed to himself as Chan and Changbin arranged the camera. It had been a fun day, acting in the SKZ Family roleplay game. He didn't mind pretending to be someone else, and even dressing up as a young woman with long hair didn't faze him.

He did mind the way they'd set up the couples, though. He was supposed to be 'married' to Seungmin, while Hyunjin was 'married' to Hannie. His Hannie.

He glanced across to where Jisung and Hyunjin were standing and grimaced. They were too close. Hyunjin was clinging onto Jisung's arm, and they were currently gazing into each other's eyes like love-sick puppies. A queasy feeling started in the pit of Minho's stomach.


He felt a nudge from his other side, and turned to see the real puppy of the group staring daggers at him.

"Why aren't you looking at me like that? You're supposed to be my wife!"

Minho stared at Seungmin in disbelief.

"It's a game, puppy, it's not real!"

"It's supposed to look real, though," Seungmin huffed. Then he continued more softly, as if he was talking to himself. "It's bad enough him calling you "jagi" - in front of the camera too!"

Minho quickly interrupted, before he could go any further. "Let's just get this over and done with, I wanna go home."

"Alright, everyone ready?" asked Changbin, who had sat down next to Grandpa Felix and was holding the camera's clicker in his hand.

"One, two, three..."

Minho sent his best impression of a loving smile in Seungmin's direction and quickly flung his arm over the younger's shoulder. As soon as the camera flashed he removed it again and let the smile drop into a scowl.

As Changbin and Chan got up to check the picture, Minho found himself turning to look at Jisung again.

The younger boy looked slightly uncomfortable with Hyunjin clinging onto him, and Minho couldn't suppress a small smile at the sight. As he was gazing at Jisung, mesmerised, the younger turned and locked eyes with him, instantly breaking into a radiant smile.

Minho's jealousy was suddenly turned on its head, replaced by an intense need to be close to his boyfriend. To touch him and hold him, and show everyone that he was his, and his alone.

"Minho hyung..."

The long-haired brunette whipped his head to the front at the sound of Changbin's deep voice.

"What is this ... look ... on your face?" Changbin asked, gesturing to the camera. "You think that's the way a wife looks at her husband?"

Minho glanced sideways at Seungmin. "Depends on the husband..." he murmured, earning a glare from the boy beside him.

Changbin sighed deeply. "We're gonna try one more time. Please try to look more in love this time."

The older rolled his eyes. That's impossible! he thought grumpily. But as Changbin started counting again, it hit him - the rapper had said to be in love, but he hadn't said who with.

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