Chapter 15: The Loss

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Percy POV

"Rachel, stop touching me," I snapped. "Just sit there."

Surprisingly, Rachel listened but only because she received a text. Her phone was in her hand in a second as she texted her friends.

I looked out the window at the passing buildings. My hometown wasn't giving me any comfort today. After all, I wasn't okay.

Annabeth, the girl I loved hated me, and rightfully so. My words probably hurt her so much, and I felt awful about it. However, this was for the best. Annabeth was a wonderful, beautiful, and talented person. She was not a scandal, and I won't let anyone damage her reputation and pride like that.

Furthermore, my friends had varying levels of distaste towards me. Even Jason wouldn't talk to me after the weekend.

I frowned as I remembered our last conversation...


I was in my bedroom on Sunday, simply laying in bed. Sadness and depression were the emotions suffocating me as I stared at nothing.

The smell of blue cookies was wafting through the room, but I let them be. I was too upset to partake in my mom's baking. She noticed my negative mood quickly and asked me about it, but I didn't tell her my issues. So, instead, she baked cookies to cheer me up.

Of course, it didn't work.

Suddenly, a knock came from my door, but I made no move to open it. I continued to stare up at the ceiling and burrow into my bed. Whoever was here can just leave.

"Percy, open this door, right now," Jason's voice shouted.

He was angry that day. He wanted answers about the party, but I had none to give him. The knocking intensified annoyingly.

I groaned as I got up. I stormed towards the door and swung it open.

"Jason, just go away. Not answering the door is an indication that I don't want to talk," I snapped in annoyance.

"Well, too bad. What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked loudly. Jason pushed into the room and sat down on my bed before I could refuse.

"Percy, you seemed so happy after getting together with Annabeth. How could you just throw that away? What happened?" Jason asked.

"Nothing happened. I wasn't into it," I said tensely.

I closed my bedroom door and walked towards my desk. I took a seat and grabbed my lyrics notebook, trying to distract myself from Jason.

"That's the worst lie that I've ever heard," Jason responded.

He came over and grabbed my journal away. He slammed it down on the desk and turned my desk chair so that I was facing him.

I stared at my best friend, but I couldn't meet his eyes. However, I couldn't tell him the truth either. I mean, how do I tell my best friend that his dad was ruining my life? Keeping me from love and happiness?

I couldn't tell Jason anything.

"Percy, we both know that you love Annabeth," Jason said firmly.

"I don't," I said as I got up.

Jason grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards him. "Bro, look at my face and tell me that."

I couldn't lie to Jason while looking into his eyes. My loyalty dictated that I didn't lie to my friends, yet I was. I couldn't confirm these lies by facing him directly.

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