Chapter 31: The Goodbye

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Percy POV

I shook their hands firmly.

Directors Carter and Sadie Kane were very nice but also professional. I was excited to be signed to Kane Records. After everything that I had gone through with Olympus Records, I wanted freedom and change.

"Welcome to Kane Records, Percy," Sadie said firmly.

The siblings were both smiling at me, which was nice. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw my former boss, Zeus, smile.

"Thank you both, it's good to be here," I said excitedly.

"Okay, so I believe that you wanted to see our recording studios. We have a few hours before our next meeting, so we'll join you on your tour," Carter Kane said.

"Absolutely. Thanks," I said.

"Percy, I want to assure you that things will be different at Kane Records. To be frank, we've heard pretty terrible things about Olympus Records," Sadie said hesitantly.

"Yeah, you wouldn't be wrong. However, they did give me an opportunity, and for that, I'll be grateful, I guess."

Chiron nodded in approval at my response. I had signed an agreement with Olympus Records where I couldn't speak about my negative experiences with them. The music industry had a lot of politics.

"That's a nice attitude to have," Carther acknowledged.

We continued the tour. The building of Kane Records was very authentic, and I liked the people, artists, and infrastructure. The recording studios were phenomenal as well.

At Kane Records, they didn't have a private recording studio for each artist. Instead, an artist could book the studio when it was time to record their music. This was the best option to encourage cooperativity and financial sustainability.

"All right, Percy, we'll let you get acquainted with our recording team. Carter and I have to run. Once again, welcome to Kane," Sadie said with a smile.

I nodded before turning back to the tech employees.

"Hey, everyone, I can't wait to work with you all when I'm recording my music. Um, this is my manager, Chiron Bruner," I said firmly.

They all nodded and introduced themselves.

We were staying in Los Angeles for the next week because I had to rerecord my demos for the next album. Technically, I couldn't use any old material (that wasn't patented) from Olympus Records. As such, I needed to record my new music again.

Since we had already recorded them once, we just had to rerecord. Leo would be joining us on facetime to help out.

The next few days were filled with interviews and making music. I barely had time to sit down and call my girlfriend or best friend. Sometimes, my life got ridiculously busy, and this trip was one of those moments.

This was a two-week period of complete work within my vacation period. Honestly, I was expecting it to get busy at some point.

Finally, we reached the Friday before Thanksgiving.

"Yes, mom, I'm flying home tonight. Chiron and I finished everything that needs to be done, and we're coming back today," I said into the phone.

My mother was afraid that I'd miss Thanksgiving at home. After all, I had to miss Thanksgiving last year because of my world tour.

"That's good, honey, I missed you," my mom said softly.

"Mom, it's only been like two weeks since I came to LA," I said back.

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