Chapter 17

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I watch as Natalie's eyes flicker down to my lips before back up to meet mine. My heart rate kicks up, my hands tightening around her waist as I will her closer, silently begging her to press her soft lips against mine. I purposely saved that for her, refusing to ever kiss Corinne. She hated it, but in the end all she cared about was trying to sleep with someone high enough in the pack to earn her some credibility. She had no idea I was never going to admit to having sex with her. I gave her no false promises about what our future looked like, but I don't think she was expecting me to deny any connection to her in front of the entire pack.

"Jude..." Natalie says apologetically and I let out the breath I've been holding.

"It's okay if you don't want to, sunshine." I tell her, cupping her cheek and running my thumb along her bottom lip, aching to pull it between my teeth, but I won't press her boundaries. If she ever forgives me, I want it to be because she wants to not because I or any one else pushed her into it.

"It's not that I don't want to..." She says and I nod, leaning forward to peck her cheek.

"You don't trust me." I say and she sighs, sadness barreling into me from her through our bond. "I'll fix it, baby. I promise." I murmur, tucking my face into her neck.

She wraps her arms around my neck, her fingers slipping into my hair and she scratches my scalp a little until my wolf is a purring mess at her touch. She lets out a precious giggle at the sound and I smile at her, enjoying this quiet moment and the affection I've been starved for. She yawns a little, resting her head on my shoulder as her eyes slip closed.

"Let's get you to bed." I say, standing and lifting her with me.

"I can walk." She says and I nod, putting her down on her feet and pulling her into my side as we walk up the stairs. I lead her to Eli's room and she opens the door, stopping before she grabs my hand to keep me from leaving.

"Will you sleep with us?" She asks and my eyes widen in shock at her request.

"You sure?" I ask and she nods, tugging me further with her.

"I think we both sleep better together." She says shyly making me grin.

I follow her into the room and Eli groans, rolling over a little and popping his head up. His sleepy eyes survey us and he yawns a little.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Do you care if Jude sleeps in here?" Natalie asks and Eli snorts.

"Nat. We need to use the other room. It is already too hot in here with your tiny body in this bed. If you add Jude's big ass I'll never get any sleep." He says and Natalie laughs loudly, looking up at me with a bright smile.

"Is that okay?" She asks me and the breath escapes my lungs as pure joy fills my body.

"Of course, baby." I say, kissing her forehead. "Come on, Eli." I say, looking back at my brother who has already fallen back asleep.

"Eli!" I shout and his head pops up again.

"Huh? What?" He murmurs and Natalie laughs again.

"Come on, baby. Let's go." She says, running her hands through his hair until he sits up in bed.

I walk to the other room, turning the fan on since I know Eli will ask for it. They both come in, Eli practically stumbling in his half asleep stupor. I chuckle at the sight, he always was the heavier sleeper of the two of us. He can have a whole conversation with someone and not remember it the next morning.

I climb into bed and pull Natalie in next to me. Eli collapses on the other side, snoring before his head even hits the pillow. Natalie giggles at him again, snuggling up into my side and resting her head on my chest. Eli rolls a little until his front is pressed against Natalie's back, his hand wrapping around her waist until she is cocooned by both of us. She lets out a pleased sigh, rubbing her face against my chest like she's trying to burrow under my skin. I chuckle and start to rub her back and she looks up at me with a grin.

"You know exactly how to put me to sleep. Like the Natalie whisperer." She says quietly and I laugh, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She tucks her head under my chin as we relax into the embrace. My wolf is still anxious and a little upset, but he's more settled in this moment than he has ever been. I let out a long sigh of relief and Natalie reaches up with her hand to run it up and down my chest.

"What's wrong, Jude?" She asks.

"Absolutely nothing, sunshine." I say honestly.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yep. My wolf is finally settled. This is the quietest he's been in years, Nat. The quiet feels so... good." I say, my eyes slipping closed. Her hand stops moving and I huff out a breath making her snort out a laugh until she starts the movement again.

"Your wolf is kind of a dick." She says and he lets out a low, upset growl but she hushes him.

"Yeah. He kind of is. But if anyone can whip him into shape, it's you." I murmur as I slip into the most peaceful sleep I've had in years.

I'm not sure how much later it is when I wake, feeling fully rested and better than I have in a long time. I crack open my eyes, the bright sunlight streaming through the window. The bathroom door opens and Natalie walks out, her mouthwatering scent traveling through the room. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, walking over to me in her sweatpants and one of our t-shirts. She climbs in next to me, slipping into my arms easily. I wrap her up and kiss her temple before looking to the other side of the bed.

"Patrol. Then he's running training. We decided to give you the day off. You sleep like the dead." She says with a giggle. I smile at the sound, warmth filling my chest as she snuggles closer.

"That's the best sleep I've had in a long time." I murmur, running my fingers through her still damp hair. She grins up at me, her eyes bright and excited.

"What's going on?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Nothing. I just like this sleeping arrangement. You think we could make it permanent?" She asks and I nod while yawning.

"I'll move our stuff in today." I say and I hear her wolf let out a pleased sound that makes my heart melt.

"Thank you, Jude." Natalie says, sitting up until she's straddling me. My eyes widen at the movement, reaching up to hold her hips in place as I try not to get hard.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she leans down and places sweet kisses down my neck.

"I was thinking about what you said last night." She says, her breath skating across my bare chest making me shiver.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice becoming unsteady as she sucks on my shoulder where I want her to mark me when she's ready. A straight shot of pleasure goes through me and a groan slips from my mouth.

"I want to kiss you. If you'll let me." She says with a wicked smile as my heart hammers hard in my chest.

"You do whatever you want with me, sunshine. I'm yours." I say, emotion coating every word. She smiles before reaching out to hold my face in her hands, her touch causing sparks of pure bliss to travel across my skin.

"I know you're trying, Jude. And I appreciate your effort. I really do." She says softly.

"I'll never stop trying." I say back, letting honesty pour through our bond so she can feel it.

Her eyes soften as she looks down at me before she slowly lowers her face to mine. The moment our lips touch, an explosion of sensation flashes through me. I can't help but moan as she parts my lips with hers. My hands tighten on her hips, pulling her closer until her chest is flush with mine. Her tongue slips out and I open for her, letting her explore me as I do the same with her. She tastes sweet and fresh like mint. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to focus on feeling her so I never forget this moment.

She pulls away much too soon, letting her lips trail down the corner of my mouth to my jaw. She rubs her cheek against mine, my stubble making her laugh. I wrap my arms around her and pull her flush to me, pecking another kiss to her lips before rolling so we're side by side.

"I could kiss you forever." I murmur, rubbing my nose against hers until she smiles at me.

"Good. Because that's kind of the plan."

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