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2 years later...


"You look gorgeous, babe." Jenna says, walking into the room with a wide smile. Her hands cradle her belly bump and I feel my gaze soften as I take in my best friend, beaming with joy.

"You look gorgeous. How much longer until that boy joins us?" I ask, rubbing her belly gently.

"Not soon enough." She huffs, motioning me towards a chair. "Now let's get your hair done. We can't have our new Luna looking like a hot mess." She teases as she brushes out my unruly hair. I giggle and sit still as she curls and winds my hair into an impressive style that looks both beautiful and flowy to match my light blue dress.

"There." She says when she's done. "How you feeling?" She asks and I shrug.

"Nervous." I answer, the nerves making my stomach rumble. She gives me a warm smile before pulling me into a tight hug.

"You're going to be amazing. The best Luna we've ever had." She says warmly and I feel my eyes begin to glisten with tears.

"If you're going to cry, do it before I finish your make up." My mom says, coming into the room. I hug Jenna goodbye, then retake my seat for my mom to primp me.

"You're so beautiful. And smart, wise, kind. I'm so proud of you, baby girl." She says, her own eyes turning misty as she looks me over.

"I wouldn't be here without you, Mom. Thanks for everything." I say quietly, pulling her into a tight hug. I hear a throat clear from behind me and turn to see my Dad. He's not hiding his emotions, his tears falling freely down his face and into his bushy beard.

"Come here, little one." He says, holding his arms open wide for me.

"I'm about to be your Luna, Dad. You should probably stop calling me that." I tease him, but I tuck myself into his arms anyway, relishing in the safe embrace only a father can provide.

"You'll always be my little Natalie. Never forget that." He murmurs into my hair before kissing me gently.

"We need to take our positions, honey." My mom says, grabbing my dad's hand and pulling him from me. He sighs heavily, looking me over one last time.

"You're amazing, baby girl. We love you so much." He says. I choke back my tears, trying to hold it together for the important event that's about to happen.

"I love you too, Dad." I say. They both leave and a few minutes later I hear the door open again. This time I'm greeted by a matching pair of blue eyes.

"Hey, sunshine." Eli says, his wide smile settling some of the butterflies swarming in my belly.

"Hey, baby." I go up to him, pressing my lips against his. Jude pulls me away a moment later, laying a ravenous kiss to my mouth that leaves me breathless.

"You look amazing." He murmurs against my lips.

"So do you." I say, taking in both of their handsome grins. Their hair is actually under control today and their suits are nearly identical, but I can tell the difference between them.

I can always tell the difference.

"You ready?" Jude asks and I shrug, looking between my mates.

"I don't know. Do you think we're ready? To have the success, safety and happiness of this pack resting on our shoulders?" I ask and Jude shrugs before looking over at Eli.

"We can do anything, sunshine. As long as we do it together. I believe that." Jude says and Eli nods, wrapping his arms around me until I'm squished between them.

"I believe it too. We've been training for this for years. And we'll still have our parents to help us, give us advice." He says and I nod, resting my head on Eli's chest.

"You're right." I say and Eli purrs slightly.

"I'm always right." He says making me giggle.

"And now that we're taking our places, once we've settled in a little bit we can finally put a pup in you." Jude says with a deviant smile as his eyes flash to that of his wolf. I roll my eyes, but still smile at him.

"We're still young. We have time." I say, but Eli's hand wraps around me to rest on my stomach.

"I can't wait to see your belly growing with our little one." He murmurs in my ear and I know that I've already lost this battle. When they both gang up on me, there's no way I could deny them.

"You'll be the best fathers." I say quietly, soaking in their steady strength to help get me through the rest of this day.

"Nothing compared to the mother you'll be. How about we get this thing over with. So we can get to practicing tonight." Jude says, waggling his eyebrows at me until I giggle.

"Alright, let's go. We shouldn't keep the pack waiting." I say, gripping their hands and pulling them to the door.

Eli stops us and we all stand, facing the doorway.

"Take a moment. Stop and breathe. Appreciate this moment for what it is. The rest of our lives is on the other side of that door. Nothing will ever be the same. Let's just savor this, for one more minute." Eli says and we all sit quietly.

For me, memories of my childhood flit through my mind. Growing up, discovering my mates, falling in love. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, taking this time to appreciate everything I've been given. The incredible life I get to live.

"Let's go." I say, urging them out the door. "I want to get started on our happily ever after." I say, smiling at my mates as we head towards the pack.

Our pack.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider following me or checking out my profile, I have other completed books as well!

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