Chapter 18

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"This closet isn't big enough!" I shout to Jude as I huff in frustration, trying to smoosh my clothes together tight enough to fit a few more on the rack.

"Maybe you just have too many clothes, sunshine." He says with a grin, kissing my forehead as I grumble.

"Blasphemy." I growl and Jude barks out a laugh, shaking his head at me with an affectionate smile.

"You can use some of my side. I hardly have anything." He says, lifting some of my clothes and moving them to his portion of the closet.

"But that's not fair." I say.

"You're right. It's not." He answers, lifting some more of my clothes and putting them on Eli's side. "Now it's fair." He says with a mischievous smile that makes me laugh.

I finish putting our things in the bathroom, my eyes taking in the huge shower. My body heats up as thoughts of the three of us in there take over, my mind drifting to the things we could do.

I never knew a shower could be sexy.

The next minute the front door shutting pulls me from my lecherous thoughts.

"Honey, I'm home!" I hear Eli call and a grin spreads across my face.

"In here!" I call out and wait for him to enter the room before I jump on him, hopping up so he catches me and kissing him firmly.

"I missed you." He says warmly and I chuckle.

"It's only been a few hours." I say and his chest rumbles with discontent.

"That's too long. I think I'm going to start taking you everywhere with me. I'll wear you like a backpack." He says with a grin and I tilt my head back to laugh.

"You're ridiculous." I say and Jude shrugs.

"We probably could. You're small enough." He says making me laugh again.

"Come on, let's take a nap." Eli says and I roll my eyes as both brothers yawn.

"You two and your afternoon naps. How do you get anything done?" I tease and Jude shrugs, pulling me from Eli and throwing me on the bed, laughing when I shriek in surprise.

"Early in the morning and late at night. With two of us we can split the work and still enjoy our nappy naps." Jude says and I giggle.

"Nappy naps." I coo, and Eli chuckles, climbing into bed with me and pulling me into his chest. "But I'm not tired!" I pout as Jude slides in on my other side.

"Quiet down you little devil." Eli says and Jude chuckles, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"Can I at least watch TV?" I ask and Jude shakes his head.

"No. We have to train you to nap like we do." He says, his hand still rubbing gentle circles on my back.

"That'll never work." I say, right before a large yawn takes over my face. "Damnit." I mumble as both men laugh.

"That's our good girl. Now simmer down and relax." Eli says, running his hand through my hair.

"This is ridiculous. I'm not a child you can just lay down for a nap." I say, yawning again despite trying to hold it in.

Both of my mates begin to purr, the vibrations from their chests lull me into a dreamy state of comfort.

"This is bullshit." I mutter and both of their warm laughter follows me into a blissful sleep.

I'm woken later by the blaring sound of the horns outside the window. The sound that warns of an attack. My eyes fling open as my heart begins to beat painfully in my chest.

"Fuck!" Eli yells, both of their eyes glazing over as they mind link.

"What's going on?" I ask in a panic when their eyes clear.

"An attack. We don't know who from or why. Stay here, Natalie. Do not leave this room. You hear me?" Eli asks seriously.

"No, I can't just stay in here I need to help!" I say, my voice rising higher as I begin to panic. Jude grabs my face with both hands and forces me to look at him.

"No, Natalie. You're barely trained. It's not safe for you out there. Stay in here so we don't worry about you. Okay?" He asks.

"But my gift..." I say and Eli growls.

"No. Do not use it. You haven't practiced enough with it. You will just alert them that you have it and that could be even more dangerous." He says.

"But-" I start and I'm cut off by a feral snarl from Jude.

"Please, baby. Just do as we ask. Please." He begs, his eyes wide and worried. I nod as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.

Eli pulls me into his chest, his lips landing on mine as he kisses me greedily. I huff out a soft cry when he pulls away.

"I love you. Stay here until we link you."

"I love you, too." I whisper, watching him leave. I turn to Jude who is watching me cautiously. A small sob slips free, but I bite it back not wanting him to worry.

"Come here." I say, opening my arms.

He rushes into me, sweeping me up in a firm hug against his chest, kissing my hair before setting me down. I grab his face and pull him to me, smashing our lips together in a desperate kiss, trying to pour every emotion I've held back into it. He pulls away, pecking my lips quickly one more time before looking down at me.

"I love you, sunshine." He whispers and I choke on my emotion, swallowing it down.

"I love you too, Jude. Come back safe." I say firmly and he nods, kissing me one last time before barreling out of the room.

I watch from the window as he shifts, shaking out his fur and howling as he takes off further into the pack. Tears rush down my face, but I swipe them away. Anger flashes through me that I'm stuck here when I should be out there helping.

I pace the room anxiously, listening to snarls, growls and pained howls coming from outside. I look out the window and see a small group of wolves getting closer to the house. I can tell they aren't from our pack, I can smell them from here. I watch as they shift into their human forms, my mouth gaping in shock before I snarl and turn towards the door, running down the stairs. I push open the front door, running out onto the porch and staring at a face I had hoped to never see again.

"Corinne? What the fuck are you doing?"

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