Chapter 4 - "A dress with pockets."

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"I'm watching your morning's challenge," Aubrey said, as Courtney opened the passenger side door of her friend's car.

"Don't remind me," Courtney said. She tried to angle her crutches inside without decapitating Aubrey or impaling herself. "I had to live through it."

"The ugly yellow really clashes with everything you own, doesn't it?" Aubrey said, still watching her phone.

"On top of that, I can't move my foot so that cuts out another half of my closest. Thank goodness for wrap-around dresses or I'd be going to school naked. Well in pajamas but it's basically the same thing."

Finally, Courtney managed to get her crutches situated, dumped her backpack onto the floor, and climbed inside. She let out a breath. That took way more work than the stairs and those were her Everest! This did not bode well for the rest of the day.

Aubrey dropped her phone into the center cupholder, having seen the conclusion of Courtney's morning fashion adventures. Cute dress with matching fabric wrapped over the ugly ace bandage. No need to remind everyone of Friday. Though she would be walking around with crutches...Yes, the matching fabric was pointless. At the very least it made Courtney feel more normal.

"How is your ankle?" Aubrey asked, pulling out of the driveway.

"Throwing off my fashion sense." And ugly, yellow, painful, aching, tiring, and annoying. But what were a few verbs compared to the rest of the world's real problems?

Aubrey laughed and Courtney grinned.

"How long are you supposed to be off it?"

"Two weeks."

"Seriously? That's awful. Does that mean you need me to drive you every day? 'Cause I can."

"Only if you don't want me to hitchhike and eventually be murdered for my efforts."

"Well in that case," Aubrey teased. "I want your clothes, so you can hitchhike."

Courtney placed a hand on Aubrey's shoulder, her other hand over her own heart.

"It means a lot to me that my clothes are so amazing that you'd choose them over me."

"In a heartbeat." She glanced at Courtney's dress. "You made that one, right?"

"I did! Makes me think of a vacation in Hawaii."

Clothes. Courtney could talk about clothes. Clothes were uncomplicated. They didn't break up with you. And they didn't start acting weird after years of friendship. And if they did you could always tear them up and sew something new.

"Did you see it?" Aubrey asked.

She sent Courtney a look that could only be pity and could mean she was only referring to one thing: the video of Courtney's humiliation.

Had she seen it? Five times? Nope. That would be weird. Had she wanted to laugh and cry when someone had dubbed over her cry of pain with a screaming goat? Definitely not.

"You know, I'm mildly offended it only has a fifty thousand views. What? Is my embarrassment not worthy of gaining a million views!"

Aubrey let out a relieved laugh. "I don't know how you're handling this so well. I would be under my covers, planning to never leave my house again."

The only way to survive a hard situation is to embrace that situation. I'm embracing it, dad. Just wish it was a little less Out in the Greater Wide World and everything.

"Oh! Are these the posters you slaved over?" Courtney asked, peeking into the back seat.

"Yes. What do you think?"

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