Chapter 35 - "Aiden?"

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It was a fact at this point that Courtney was going to dent her cheeks from how much she smiled. Did she care? Nope.

Better yet, she knew she'd look even cuter with dimples. Could the world handle her with dimples? Maybe not. It might be too much cuteness but the fate of the world and how it handled her new dimples didn't do anything to dampen her smile. The world would simply have to deal with it. Her smile wasn't going anywhere.

"You seem cheerier today than normal," Ms. Reynolds said.

Cheerier. The correct word was exuberant. Maybe that was what dimples brought, an overabundance of happiness. Or it possibly came from knowing she'd see Micah in a matter of minutes. Yeah, definitely the latter in this cause.

"You would be correct!" Courtney said.

Dramatically, because everything right then felt ten times bigger to her, she stuck out her braced ankle in her polkadot flat. Oh, brace I cursed you and now I love you for being the source of my excuse for my exuberance.

"This girl can walk!" she announced.

In emotions, this girl could run the Boston marathon. But that was in a different state and so I won't attempt to prove my point.

Ms. Reynolds beamed. "I am happy to see that, Courtney. Have a good lunch."

"You too!"

Courtney restrained herself from skipping out of the classroom. It should be noted that it took serious willpower. When a girl wants to skip you know it's for a reason. But I will hold myself back. For the good of my ankle, I must. Maybe she could be allowed a twirl though. Laughing, Courtney spun once on her good foot.

"Bravo!" someone called out as others clapped.

Courtney curtsied to the passing group of guys.

"It's good to see you walking again," Ted said.

"Thanks! I have to admit I'm an exceptionally good walker."

The guys laughed and Courtney proved her point by walking with them towards the quad. When her phone rang, she stopped and waved them on as she saw the one person who made her smile pierce her cheeks again.

She leaned against the school building. After all, he might have given himself dimples as well. And if that was the case then there was no way her legs would manage to keep her upright. She answered and Micah's face appeared on her screen.

No dimples, which was better for her legs and heart. He was likely to give her a heart attack if he got any cuter.

"Hi!" she said.

I say hi and he blushes. Heart stay strong, we can't die now. Not when we just started living. Okay, mildly over the top but for today I'm over the moon so in comparison that was relevantly low.

"Hey," he said.

He said hey and in that way guys do. I will not survive this day if I keep going at this rate. Get a hold of yourself, Cory.

"I didn't know," Micah said. "What you wanted to do for lunch? My table or yours?"

Well, if ever there was a question to bring her back to the solidity of earth instead of being in orbit around the moon, that was it.

"If you sit at mine," Courtney said. "You will be attacked by questions. The same goes if I sit at yours. The squad would invade and I don't think your friends would appreciate that."

"Should we go out to eat then?"

"A parade of questions as we leave, possibly a chance of being followed, and an attack as we came back. And... I don't want to rub it in Aiden's face, we just figured out a neutral ground."

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