Chapter 28 - "I don't hate you."

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Courtney didn't say anything as she pulled out of the school parking lot and turned onto the main road. She didn't even glance over at Max in the passenger seat. From the corner of her eye, she noticed as Max inspected the interior of the car.

Won't find much, Angry Biker Girl beside a clean interior and air freshener. When Max seemed to come to this same conclusion, she sat back and looked out the window.

Max's indifference only lasted a second since the inspection finished, she seemed to now hear what music was playing through the speakers. Still, Courtney didn't look at her but waited. Go ahead, tell me what judgment you have about my music.

Max developing sudden physic abilities decided to give Courtney what she'd asked for. "Ari Raider. Are you serious? You like this music?"

Again Courtney didn't even glance at Max. "I have a question for you. Would you agree that the essence of what music is about is to make the listener feel something?"

Finally, Courtney looked over at Max. Max shifted but nodded.


"So then, even if a song is only meaningless lyrics and heavy production but makes someone happy, hasn't that song accomplished the goal of music?"

Max didn't answer and Courtney almost smiled at her sudden discomfort.

"With that logic, it doesn't make sense for anyone to judge someone on what music they enjoy. Wouldn't you think so?"

When Courtney glanced over, Max turned her head away. Ah, classic counterargument tactic. This girl will do great things.

The song changed to a Seven Ships song and Courtney caught Max swinging her head around to stare at the speakers and then at Courtney but not saying anything.

I see, you want to judge me negatively for my pop music but don't know how to judge me positively for my 'deep, meaningful' music. Courtney grinned at Max, daring her to say something. Max didn't.

"Where are we going?" Max finally asked.

"Someplace where it's easy to bury a body," Courtney said, nonchalantly.

When Max continued to stare at her, Courtney threw in a wicked smile for good measure. Max didn't buy it and only shook her head. Ah, so you don't believe I am purely evil, that is mildly reassuring.

The rest of the journey passed in silence undercut by Courtney's music and Max's silent judgment of each song. Which Courtney took absolute amusement in, since some songs Max clearly knew and listened to herself. What did you know, they did have something in common.

Courtney parked the car right outside an ice cream shop and pushed open her door. Max was less excited about the destination, which Courtney didn't understand. Free ice cream, wasn't that happiness? Ice cream was happiness and Mexican food was world peace. Ha! Courtney had solved the world's biggest problems and people made fun of blondes! The audacity.

Smiling at her own bizarre thoughts, Courtney collected her crutches and headed for the door, not even bothering to see if Max followed. When she heard the door shut, she locked the car, leaving Max no excuse for retreat.

"Why here?" Max asked as they stepped into the chilly interior.

"Ice cream."

Max eyed her and Courtney gestured to the array of flavors as well as candy toppings.

"It's on me," Courtney said.

Max crossed her arms. "I'm fine."

"Okay." Courtney smiled at the worker behind the counter. "One scoop of coffee ice cream with Oreos crushed into it and split into two cups."

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