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I start to slow down, the cold air is sharp on my lungs. Is Leo really gone?

As I slowed down the foot steps come to an end. Where did he go?

I hear a loud huff. I turn to see Leo about to sing his axe at me, I quickly jumped out of the way. "Cypress!" He yells not to loud. He dropped his axe and hugged me.

"I though you died." I whispered to him. "I thought you died." He laughs back I could tell their was tears in his eyes.

"I heard someone following me from the jacket. If I knew it was you I would've stopped." I bent down and put my hands on his shoulders. "Im glad you kept running. I'm so happy I found you." I pulled him into another hug.

Our jackets rubbed together making a loud noise, we jumped back. "I hate these jackets." Leo groans. "Indeed."

I looked at the jacket.

"Just remember you can reverse the outcome of the games."

"Reverse." I mumbled. "What?" I looked at Leo and took off my jacket. The cold air made my hair stick up. "Cypress what are you doing?" I pulled the sleeves out from the jacket reversing it.

Dropping the jacket in the snow to get rid of some of the blood. I wiped as hard as I could until my hands had gone numb. Once most of the blood was gone all was left was a tint of red. I put the jacket back on with the white on the inside.

I rubbed my arms around and no noise. I looked at Leo. "Woah." "Come on take your jacket off." We did the same to his. He didn't have blood which I found as a good thing.

"I'm still warm too." He said as I zipped the jacket up. It was an awkward angle cause the zipper is now on the inside but at least it will be harder to hear us. Our jackets are still white but it's easy to blend in with the snow.

"Your shoulders?" I looked to see blood coming out. "It's not that deep. I promise." Which is true but since a knife did hang out of it moments before I found Leo it hurts. To say the least.

"What's in the bag?" He changed the subject. "I don't know I haven't opened it yet." I sat on a near by tree branch.

I unzipped the bag fast hoping to not make a loud noise.

"There's, a knife, a cloth, a water bottle with... No water. And rope." I stared at the cloth. "Come here." He walked over, even though I'm sitting down I'm still taller than him. I pulled down his hood and tied the cloth back. "Now your face is covered, are you warmer?" "My nose doesn't feel like it's gonna fall off anymore." I smiled.

"What about you?" "Oh I'm fine." "Okay, how do you suppose we find water? It all is probably frozen over?" "Leo. There's water all around us right now." I pointed to the snow. "Watch."

I walked over where there's no foot prints. Taking the water bottle I shoved snow in. "Get me some small dry twigs, if you can find any. We need to boil it. And two rocks." He nodded and walked off, I can still see him luckily.

The sun started going down faster than normal. Leo came back as a big gust of wind came through I sucked in a sharp breath and covered my face.

"Here." I dug through the snow until I hit dirt. Pulled out some grass then put the twigs on top there not super dry but it'll do. Once I got a spark I started to blow on it I got a small fire not burning to much so we don't get spotted.

I grabbed the water bottle and placed it on top. I also put the knife that was in the bag on top of the fire heating it up. A loud noise came over the arena.

Fallen tributes.

I don't want to watch but I know I should show respect. I looked at the knife it seemed to get hot fast since I put it right on the flame.

District two Louise

Next to her face was a video of me killing her. I grimace at the memory. This is new.

District three Lacy

A video of Zayne bashing her head in with the handle of his sword played.

District six Atlantis
District six Paisleigh

I looked at a tree as the videos played. I felt Leo's eyes burn in the side of my face. As the videos played my heart ache. Not only cause I have to relive the kill, but so does everyone watching.

I move my jacket so I can see the hole in my arm. Putting part of my jacket In my mouth so I can bite down on it. I look up at the videos and placed the burning knife on my skin.

District eight Edmund

I why did I kill so many people? I asked myself trying to distract myself from the pain and the smell of burning flesh.

After a few seconds I peel the knife off. I take my jacket out of my mouth to see bite marks indented. I grabbed some snow and put it on my shoulder to ease the pain a bit.

But I feel as if I deserve the pain.

District nine Tabby

Malik threw an axe which sliced right through her head. You can see me running away in the back.

"Leo, we have to go." I threw the knife on the ground steam went in the air as it was cooled by the snow.

"What?" "You can see where I went in the video, anyone can figure out where we are." I stomped on the fire and covered it with snow. "Follow where my foot prints are." I grabbed the knife which is now cooled off.

We went at least ten feet from where we once where. "Can you climb trees?" I whispered. "Yes." "Ok I want you to climb as high as you can." I lifted him up slightly so he can grab the branch. I dismissed the feeling in my shoulder. As he climbed I ran my hand over the snow trying to get rid of the tracks.

I started to follow Leo. He made it up surprisingly far, you won't be able to see him unless you looked extremely hard.

He sat on one branch and I sat on the other side. "Leo grab this." I handed him part of the rope. He handed it to be back on the opposite side of the tree so it wrapped around his waist.

I'm glad this is a long rope. I tied it on as tight as I could around my waist also. "You okay?" "Yes, just nervous." "It'll be alright, I'll protect you. I promise." His hand was dangling on the side of the tree I gently grabbed it. "We are in this together."

We didn't talk the rest of the night. I heard soft cries from him until they abruptly stopped. I assumed he fell asleep.

My shoulder and body aches and sitting on a tree branch doesn't help.

Day one over.


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