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Today is the day.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Its weird, I was getting ready by myself. For the last five years someone has always had the dress ready, the hair and the makeup all prepared.

But, today. It's different.

Today is the new beginning, it's a bitter sweet moment.

I wish my family was here.

Just as the thought came to mind people started to appear around me in the mirror.

Blossom and Roland with Leo my Leo in front of them. Emerald appeared too. I didn't think she died but since they took over the mansion no one has seen her. I asked around and some say Snow killed her.

She's been added to the list of my kills.

And Finnick appeared behind Roland.

"Finn?" I said confused. No one answered. Louise appeared. "Finnick Odair huh? Cute." I rolled my eyes.

Adelynn's hand touched my jaw. I didn't feel it I just saw. "How come someone so ugly got him?" I jerked my head to the side.

"He's not dead why's he there!" "You have a very active imagination my little Cypress." My father stood by me his hand on my shoulder.

"Get off!" I yelled. "Get out! Leave!" I gripped my head and dropped to my knees to not look in the mirror. The bathroom door swung open.

"Cypress are you okay?" Lilac dropped to my level cradling my face.

"Yes. I'm fine." "Well come on. I'll help you get ready." She helped me up, I hesitated looking in the mirror. But when I did they all were gone.

"I say you stay in this outfit, you've been through a lot. And just fix your hair up." I nodded. "And maybe a little concealer under your eyes to hide your dark circles. Have you been sleeping?"

She asked as she brushed out my hair.

"I try my best." "That's all you can do dear."

I turned to her as she finished. "Do you agree with what they are doing?" "With killing Snow, yes." "No, with the Hunger Games." "Oh, I heard a rumor of that. I'm afraid it's not my place to say."

"It is now, you aren't some puppet anymore. You can think and talk for yourself." She looked down then up and me. "I think we should learn from our past mistakes and not let history repeat its self. Cause we've learned with Katniss. All it takes is one winner with a will to make a rebellion."


We stood outside as people played the drums while Katniss walked down, slowly people walked behind her. People from the districts.

I stood in between Haymitch and Peeta. Johanna on the other side of Haymitch. Finnick sadly is still not awake.

Snow was tied up and Coin above him.

"Welcome to the new Panem!" Coin said once Katniss was in position.

"Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle we are gathered to witness an historical moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her Artie signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

I turned my head to see Katniss grab her arrow.

Looking back at Snow who kept his gaze trained on her.

Her arrow pointed directly at him, I hate that he doesn't look afraid. He should look afraid.

Katniss let the arrow fly.

It hit coin right in the chest.

The entire crowd including me gasped.

Snow started to laugh blood from his mouth ran into his pure white beard.

People from the districts ran to attack him.

Peeta ran from my side. He hit Katniss' arm. Then she was taken away.

"Kill him!" "Kill him!" "Kill him!" Men and woman yelled as they attacked Snow. Haymitch's hand fell on my back pushing me away with him.

Coins body laid lifeless on the capitol's stairs.

Haymitch left right when we got inside. "Cypress where are you going?" Johanna yelled out to me as I walked away.

"To go see if Finnick's awake." I said plainly. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Cypress this isn't healthy." "What?"

"Finnick's dead."


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