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1. Food used to entice fish or other animals as prey.

Or in this case.

To keep safe the boy you promised you would keep alive. Even if that means you'll be the bait.


It's almost nightfall I haven't stopped walking. My body is slowly shutting down, the cold breeze wakes me up. Every step I take it gets colder and colder. Slowly becoming unbearable.

I'd be safe in a tree, but I know the chances of dying to a person is lessened, but hypothermia is heightened.

I can't die from hypothermia, I've killed so many young kids that I deserve the pain of a slow and agonizing death.

Without my doing my knees landed in the snow. I can't catch my breath the freezing air burns my throat all the way to my lungs. My hand falls into the snow. Thankfully the gloves keep them warm.

My body is continuing to shut down. Before I know it my back is in the snow and I'm staring into the night sky.

My body continues to shake uncontrollably. I want to pull off my boots to check if my feet are purple but I get rid of the temptation. I don't need anymore snow to enter my boots.

As I looked up in the sky memories flashed in my mind.

"And... become numb. Don't think about what your doing just don't hesitate. Your gonna do things in there you didn't think you could do." I nodded. I now exactly what she's talking about.

"... become numb." I lightly laughed at the irony. Blossom meant mentally but I suppose I'm an overachiever and became numb physically.

As my body trembled I realized this is my slow and painful death...

And I am fighting someone it's myself. I'm fighting everything I have to not close my eyes cause I just know if I do... the odds of opening them again aren't in my favor.

It feels like someone's poking all my body parts with a needle or a sharp knife. My movements are all forced even my breathing.

Snow crunches next to me. "Aww given up so soon?" I look over to see Nathaniel. I mentally rolled my eyes. "As she should after lying to me, really need that blanket now? Huh?" Adelynn went on my other side.

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