Me, Myself, and I

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"I understand that this is your first time working for a large corporation." Alessandro leaned against his desk with his face propped against his hands. "If there's anything that you need—whether it be some pointers, or if you just have something you want to talk about—please feel free to reach out. My email and company phone number are in that packet I gave you. Do you have any other questions?"

"No, sir."

"All right, then I'll see you in two days for your first shoot. And welcome to Bale's Path to Fashion. I look forward to working with you."

The female model flashed an excited grin. Sandy blonde hair shifted in its high ponytail as she gave an eager nod. Deep brown eyes glistened with what seemed to be admiration. She offered one last handshake before exiting the office. A high pitched squeal followed after her when she walked through the main lobby.

Chuckling, Alessandro stood up. Multiple sections of his spine cracked thanks to a well executed stretching of the muscles. Silky fabric tickled the base of his neck near his Adam's apple. He scratched at the spot, and featherlight digits lingered near his throat. They inched downward to take hold of his tie. 

Albeit minute, it was an action that aided in keeping his mind occupied since there wasn't anything to do.

Quiet steps were taken over to a long window making up the back wall of his office. Glimmering lights from neighboring buildings tinted his skin a faint yellow. A half hidden moon brought in natural rays as well. Alessandro took a second to marvel at the starless sky before bringing his gaze to the streets below.

A sea of headlights illuminated the road in red and white. Multiple vehicles let out piercing honks when drivers became too agitated from sitting in motionless traffic or behind slow stoplights. An occasional shout or swear pushed its way through the symphony of horns. Drivers were hidden behind dark windows, no one daring to allow any frigid air into their cramped chambers of warmth.

Pedestrians walked on either side of the street. People shielded themselves with thick coats, tight hats, and flowing scarves. There was the occasional tough guy who adorned his thinnest garments as a means of appearing superior—as if the biting temperature didn't affect him. 

Mouths moved soundlessly. Cheeks and noses were tinged with red. Faces were covered when strong winds pushed through uncovered crosswalks.

From his position, Alessandro could make out a couple walking across the street. The woman had her hands in her coat pockets, and her face was half huddled beneath her scarf. A small smile peeked from behind the garment.

Her shoulders hopped when her partner's hand touched her back. She didn't seem to mind the sudden request for physical contact. If anything, the woman reveled in such a loving touch from her partner.

Alessandro still tensed at the sight.

His skin crawled in response to phantom fingers grazing against his own skin.

Lax hands pulled into tight fists. He grabbed his tie a bit too harshly, fabric fibers stretching against his grip. Uncomfortable pangs assaulted his stomach.

Within a matter of seconds, the picturesque scene of bustling nightlife became too much. Lights were too bright. Rushing wind and honking were too loud, even with noises being muffled by large windows.

Alessandro found temporary reprieve by closing his eyes. Bright yellow passed through his shut lids. He focused on the light crackling of fake fire that resonated from behind.

The sound was... cozy. Homey. It gave him a false sense of security by placing him in a different environment.

An obstructed view gave his mind the freedom to put him wherever he wanted. So even though he was still in his office, Alessandro found himself back at home.

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