I Ripped Out My Heart When You Left Me Behind...

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"I'm sorry that I can't do more for you at this current time, sir. But I'll make sure to have your medication delivered as soon as we get it. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, that'd be all."

"Okay, thank you for reaching out. Have a wonderful evening."

"You as well."

Alessandro ended the call, tossing his phone face down on the mattress. A hand was brought up to massage the bridge of his nose. An aggravating headache was beginning to form. As was a heightening sense of dread and annoyance.

"Well? What did they say?" Lance asked from the bathroom.

"The pharmacy doesn't have my antidepressants in stock right now. They checked their systems twice just to be sure. At best, they'll have them the day after tomorrow. At worst, it could be another three days before I get them again."

"Three d- that's awful!"

"Yeah, you're telling me." Alessandro walked over to his side of the bed and flopped onto his back. "I can't believe I forgot to get more earlier. I'm such a dumbass."

"Hey, come on now. None of that. It was an honest mistake."

"A mistake that just royally fucked me over for who knows how long."

The bathroom's light was flicked off. Lance walked out clad in a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. Strands of black hair were carefully being weaved into a low braid dangling over his shoulder. Long bangs fell over one of his eyes, shielding it.

He cleared his throat and made his way over to the other side of the bed. A fluffy blanket was pulled back to reveal a new set of satin sheets.

Once finished with his braiding, he slid into his designated spot. "What's going to happen now that you don't have for the morning?"

"It's going to suck. Exponentially." Alessandro turned to face his bed mate. In an unconscious habit of shielding himself when upset, both arms moved to cross over his chest. "This has only happened twice before. I'm usually good about keeping track of my meds and their deliveries. I guess it kind of just slipped my mind this time...

"To answer your question though, I'm going to end up going through withdrawal symptoms. I'm not sure how quickly it'll happen, but they'll probably start picking up after my missed dosage."

"What does that mean for you?"

"Things are going to be... difficult. I may get nauseous, irritable, sad; things like that. It'll be hard for me to control my emotions. I may end up having random outbursts because of it. Based on my past experiences, my symptoms may hit me steadily- and then all at once. I'm hoping that won't be the case, but I won't be surprised if it is."

A frown was given in response. "I know you just took your meds for the night, but are you feeling anything right now? I know they don't just drown out your emotions completely."

"I'm going to be honest. I'm very, very nervous. And I feel myself getting jittery. The best I can do for it is to try and sleep it off."

Lance nodded in understanding. He settled further into bed by pulling the covers over his body. Both pillows were scooted closer to the center of the mattress. They were shifted to be more comfortable once he flipped onto his stomach.

Alessandro sighed. A lone bedside lamp on his nightstand was shut off, masking the room in darkness. He returned to his previous position and took hold of the hand closest to him. It squeezed back in return.

"If you need me at any point, don't be afraid to wake me. I don't mind staying up with you."


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