To the Rescue

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"I haven't seen my folks in over five years- since I started living with Donovan. You'd think I'd feel excited about them visiting, but I'm not. I'm kind of suspicious honestly."

"How come?"

"Angelika's wedding is next month. From what she's told me, they haven't been supportive. That's not too surprising, but whatever. Our folks only talk to her when they want to complain about something. I'm just nervous about them bringing it up and starting a fight. I don't want to do that in front of you."

"If it happens, I'll be here to back you up."

"...Thanks, Andro."

He flashed a grin to hide his own budding anxiety.

Alessandro already knew how the older Kades were because he'd met them before. Frankly, he thought they were shitty people.

They didn't know about the nearly four year long relationship from high school. Lance made the cognizant decision of keeping that a secret from his family.

While, yes, Alessandro interacted with them before, it occurred quite fleetingly. He only ever saw Lance's parents on their way out of the house for work or when they went shopping. They were hardly ever home—both adults being more concerned with themselves instead of their own children.

Another reason Lance hid his romantic relationship was because his parents were very close minded. They still didn't know he was gay since he never told them. But there were times when he came close for the sole purpose of standing in solidarity with his sister, Angelika.

She had Alessandro's respect for openly coming out to her parents. That must've been extremely difficult for her.

He found it surprising that she invited the older Kades to the wedding in the first place.

Her decision in doing so was probably more to fulfill some form of expectation, rather than actually wanting them to attend.

"They're going to be here any minute, and I don't know what to do." Lance got up and started pacing in front of the television. "I'm too antsy to stay in one spot."

"I could help take your mind off of it if you'd like."


"By telling you about the big business retreat that's coming up. I was going to wait and bring it up with the rest of the staff. I guess now is as good a time as any to talk about it though."

"A retreat? Like for team building and stuff?"

"Yeah, but it's not what you may be thinking," Alessandro explained. "Retreats at the Bale company are more like vacations. I have a business colleague who owns a hotel on the beach in Florida. She lets me rent them both out for a couple days. Have been doing it for a few years now. There's games and cookouts and bonfires. It's just a really nice time. The only thing people need to pay for is travel costs. If you decide to go, because it's not mandatory, I don't mind buying a plane ticket for you. Or we could take a little road trip together. Haven't had one of those in awhile."

"A road trip sounds fun. What about gas and stuff?"

"My car's electric, and I could find a route with charging stations for that if necessary."

"What about Rain?"

"My brother watches her whenever I go away. He's coming the night before the retreat to settle in since I usually leave early in the morning."

"Ugh..." Lance grimaced. "Me seeing your brother again after all these years would be so awkward."

"Eh, I doubt it. He knows that you're back in my life and is actually pretty supportive. He just worries about me sometimes. Don't worry though, he won't do anything crazy. Might talk your ear off, but that's probably it."

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