I'll Make You Feel the Things I Can Never Tell You

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"I really do appreciate you guys coming out tonight. It was a lot of fun." Angelika beamed. "We should hang out together more often."

"Yeah, for sure. You and Mina are always welcome to stop by our place," Alessandro replied with a small grin. "Maybe we can have a little get-together after you guys come back from your honeymoon. I can't wait to hear how that goes."

The two shared a quick laugh before pulling each other in for a tight hug. Green eyes took in the sight of Lance and Mina doing the same a couple of feet away.

"It's okay, y'know," Angelika added with a hushed voice.

"What is?"

"To admit that you love him."

Alessandro tensed.

The gesture was met with slender fingers dragging across his back as a means of bringing comfort.

"Am I really that open about it?"

"Nah. But as a married woman who's also in love, I know what to look for." A short giggle cut through the statement. "If you're uncomfortable with telling him, that's okay too. But, Ale, it's all right for you to admit it- at least to yourself. There's nothing wrong with having the feelings that you do."

"...I just... don't know what to do about the situation."

"I think you should do whatever you think is right. You don't have to have all the answers right now. But in the end, you should just listen to your heart."

Their conversation was cut off as Lance and Mina made their way over. A quiet thanks was given to Angelika before the hug parted as well.

A few more minutes of idle chatter was made before breaking off. Both couples parted ways with the men entering their hotel, and the women walking toward their car.

The sleepy desk clerk gave a lazy wave while browsing through her phone. A quick nod was tossed in her direction, both as a means of saying hello and goodnight. Slow, clumsy steps were taken over to the elevators.

Having alcohol in their systems made it a bit difficult to walk as everything looked fuzzy at the edges. Both men were still mindful of their actions, they just felt somewhat detached from reality. Random objects looked like they were undulating and moving in slow motion.

The elevator ride up to their floor was just as sluggish as they were.

A faint pressure could be felt settling against Alessandro's shoulder. Looking over, he saw strands of hair framing a handsome face and falling over closed eyes. Pink lips were pulled into a small, dreamy smile.

An arm was pulled up to wrap around Lance's shoulders. The connected hand settled atop his long lengths. Fingertips made random shapes against his scalp, giving a gentle massage. It caused a quiet moan to slip out of him.

Alessandro couldn't blame his slight inebriation on wanting to make those noises pick up in volume and fervency.

He led them down the hallway upon getting to their designated floor.

Beige colored walls were lined with wooden doors. Golden room numbers sat atop the flat, wide surfaces. Dark blue, red, and green carpet muffled the sounds of their footfalls. Long corridors were staggeringly silent; but considering how late in the evening it was, that small detail wasn't too surprising.

A housekeeper's cleaning cart could be made out further down the hall. The yellow barrow was half parked in a vacant room and was keeping the door propped open. A glance was made at the device in passing.

Alessandro slid the room key into its designated spot. The door unlocked with a soft 'click'. He walked inside with one arm still wrapped around Lance.

Neither male bothered turning on any lamps as the unobstructed glass balcony doors let in plenty of natural light. A full moon could be seen hanging in the distance. Small white dots occupied the surrounding space.

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