Even in a Room Full of People, My Eyes Are On You

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"Tilt your head up a bit- perfect! Just like that!"

A bright flash illuminated the set when the cameraman snapped a picture. Blinding light was dulled by a multicolored off-camera softbox. The umbrella shaped device was used to further brighten the model's face, while also making it less likely for her eyesight to be impacted when her photo was taken.

A series of small lamps dangled off of a metal rod on the low ceiling. Standing lights stood around the set as well. A plain white backdrop was brought to life by vibrant shadows. The striking, dark visual was partially hidden behind multiple props.

Other workers were standing around the set, purposely out of shot of the camera. A few models on standby were getting their hair and makeup retouched. The sweet, fruity smell of gel lingered in the air. As did a faint scent of light concealer.

With the day's shoot theme being about winter wear, all present models were clad in warm clothing. Jackets, hats, pants, scarves, and boots were adorned. Formfitting thermal wear was mixed into the session's designated wardrobe as well.

A plethora of patterns and colors were spotted throughout the room. Most outfits had a specific theme of dark bases enhanced by bright, appealing accents.

Black jackets were brought to life by fuchsia and scarlet that made up the soft interior of large hoodies. Dark gray scarves faded to stunning indigo further toward the ends. Thick black joggers were given some personality by streaks of purple that ran up and down their lengths.

Vibrant colors peeking through dark bases portrayed the idea of warm, beautiful spring lurking in the bleak clutches of winter. It was a set of transition pieces that were used to start gearing up for next quarter's seasonal catalog.

Alessandro looked over a picture that the photographer shared from his camera.

A female model was seen wearing a striped red and black hat, a black coat, and long joggers with red accents on the side. Since the shoot was from the knees up, she was only wearing a pair of socks. Her gaze was toward a far off spot to give the illusion of looking up at snow. Since that feature would have to be edited in later, she had to do some pretending on her part. Still, the photo as a whole came out nice.

It received a nod in approval.

"All right, people," the cameraman called out, "a few more models are coming in for the second set of pictures. If you want, sit down- go to the bathroom- do whatever. But make sure you're ready to start back up in fifteen."

"Some snacks have just been dropped off, so feel free to get your fill. There's donuts, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. There are vegan options available as well for anyone who has a preference," Alessandro added.

The notion of food made multiple people perk up. A few sat down on the floor, while others made a direct beeline for the table that housed the previously mentioned snacks.

Spotlights were turned off to let them cool down. A large overhead lamp filled the room with a less intense hue.

Alessandro took a moment to go over a few more pictures. His arms crossed over his chest, but his overall posture remained lax. Kempt eyebrows furrowed when he had to focus on more minute details.

He listened when the photographer explained his thought process with each presented photo. Why some people looked to the left instead of the right; why some people sat down instead of standing; why some people were made to smile rather than staying neutral or surprised or excited—everything was discussed.

Some artistic choices were tweaked as per the big boss' request, but he was pretty happy with what the photographer had.

When the cameraman excused himself to grab some coffee, Alessandro stretched his arms above his head. He moved to stand against a wall in order to stay out of the way. A fake smile stayed planted on his face to present him as approachable. More than anything though, he just wanted a moment to himself.

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