Chapter 4

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We all sat down in the living room waiting for Elijah to arrive back home. Everyone decided it would have been best to send him as he is the friendliest and kindest out of all of us.

We were all pretty bummed out when we heard only one of us was allowed to meet Sofia. Most of my other brothers remember her, but I only know her from the photos we were given.

I always imagine what she looks like now or who she is living with. I hope that if she comes back our family will be at least somewhat normal again.

Elijah said I should not wait for any miracles to happen and that it will take a lot of time before she will be allowed to be with us again.

Worst case scenario is that she won't want to live with us. Best case scenario is that she will walk straight through our front door with Elijah.

All this thinking was making me overthink and worry. I decided that the best thing to do would be to find a distraction.

Five minutes later I found myself in the kitchen googling what kind of things girls like in their bedrooms. This was definitely not what I was meant to be doing but I thought if I wanted Sofia to feel welcomed, she would need a nice room. I wonder if she is a girly girl or more tomboyish... wait what if she's both? Ugh this was a terrible idea.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. Why was I so nervous? Just as I was about to leave Alessandro and the twins walked in.

"Hey Naz, why do you look so stressed......?" asked Alessandro.

"I just keep thinking about her... what if Elijah comes back with bad news?"

The twins laughed at my response, so I just glared at them. They didn't even care one bit about Sofia.

"Really? That's it? Well, I can fix that easily. Come on the twins and I are going to play some basketball while we wait for Elijah"

I contemplated my choices for a second before agreeing with Alessandro. It's not like I had any other things to do.


We were all messing around in the kitchen when Lorenzo entered the room.

"Everyone sit. Elijah will be here in a moment."

I didn't have to be told twice. I was the first person to sit down. I looked back up to Lorenzo to see him smirking at me.

"You must be very eager Naz" he chuckled. At that comment the rest of my brothers laughed but I didn't care. They were the ones at loss if they didn't want to know about their sister.

Less then two minutes later a grinning Elijah entered the room. He plopped himself down on a chair and before he could even take a breath the questions started.

"How is she? Is she safe? Does she look like any of us? Does she remember us? Will she be coming here soon?" I couldn't even try hide my curiosity.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold your horses Naz. And to answer one of your questions she actually looks a lot like you. Literally carbon copy but a girl version."

That answer made so excited to meet her. I wanted to ask more questions, but Phoenix threatened to punch me if I kept on being annoying. God he is really moody and annoying.

"So, what did social services say?" Lorenzo asked.

"Okay so basically she can't come here straight away because we have not been proven as safe household yet. We need to be checked by her social worker. Then after that we can go to court and plead a case. The only problem is her guardian. His name is Dante, and he seems pretty keen on keeping her. I think he has been receiving money for minding Sofia for a long time. He has a really bad vibe and I do not like him. But Sofia, God where do I even start. Sofia is perfect. She is so beautiful. She is a little shy. I think she would like to come live here. Oh, I almost forgot I got a picture of her on my phone."

This was a lot to take in. I could barely comprehend it.

I quickly took the phone from Elijah's hands and looked at the picture. Wow. She really was pretty. She had long dark brown wavy hair and big green bug eyes. She had a few freckles dappled across her cheeks. Elijah was right. We did look pretty similar.

"When can I meet her?"


"Wait really?!"

"Yep. Maya said that we are allowed to go to her office tomorrow and meet her. When we come back home Maya will check our house and question some of us. If all goes well our dear sorellina will be able to visit us whenever she wants."

I couldn't hold in my excitement any longer. I was grinning so much that my cheeks hurt. I literally ran over to Elijah and hugged him.

"God why are you acting like a loser over some stupid girl."

Did I hear that right? I looked over to Xander to make sure it wasn't just some voice I heard. But nope, it was him. Was he serious?

"What did you just say?"

"I said why are you getting so worked up over some stupid girl you barely even know?"

All I could see was red. I was so angry. I lunged for Xander and started attacking. I could hear the others calling my name. But I didn't care. I was so angry.

Did he really think Sofia was a stupid girl?

Their Little Saviourحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن