Chapter 7

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From the moment we got home Dante sent me straight to my room.

I knew he was angry, but I didn't know why.

I hated it when Dante was angry because he usually invited some of his friends and they would all drink together.

I didn't mind that Dante liked to drink; I know a lot of people in my school that drink. The only problem was his friends. They are rude and disgusting pedophiles. I know this because firstly I have met them and secondly being an only child (not anymore apparently) with no entertainment leaves you with nothing else to do but eavesdrop.

The things I've heard them say make me want to get sick. It is vile and terrible. I feel sorry for all their parents.

I would lock my door, but Dante removed the locks on my bedroom door, I have no idea why though.

The best thing to do was push my drawer up against the door and hope it would keep any unwanted visitors out.

Instead of sitting around and doing nothing I decided to catch up on some homework from school. The last thing I needed was failed grades and missing assignments. It would be hard to concentrate as Dante was literally having a disco downstairs. I could feel the vibrations of the music even though I was upstairs.

As I was finishing up some math equations, I could hear someone lumbering up the stairs. Shit. I really hope they are just trying to find the toilet or something. I placed myself on my bed and tried to bury myself under the covers. Maybe if I pretended to be asleep they would leave me alone.

I suddenly gasped when I heard banging on my bedroom door.

"Hey Sophie....... Dante said there is a pretty girl in here waiting for me" a drunken voice slurred.

What the actual fuck. First of all, my name is not even Sophie. Secondly what am I meant to do. There is no way I'm letting a drunken pedo in my room.

"Come on. Open the door...... don't be shy. We'll just have some fun......"

The banging on the door got louder as my fear grew bigger.

I decided that I would have to make a plan in case that drunker broke in.

I grabbed my backpack and started shoving some stuff inside like my phone, water and money. Basically, some things I need to survive a day or two. Dante wouldn't care. He was probably drunk too. By the time he wakes up tomorrow he will be really hungover and think I have gone to school.

Even if I did decide to run away for a little bit, where would I go? My brothers? No way.. I couldn't just go to their house and impose myself there. That would be ....... Unacceptable. I wouldn't make it far anyway, not with a bruised and swollen rib.

I tried to cover my ears with my pillow as the shouting and banging increased. What was I going to do?

For a second everything went quiet, until the drunker started shoving himself into the door. The only problem was that this time it was actually working. I shot out of my bed as fast a bullet. No way was I getting touched or harassed today.

I made my way to the window as fast as I could. Cursing myself for not opening it earlier. I peaked over at the door and saw half the mans body was already through the door. Shit.

I started could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I tried to pry the window open. Nothing was working and I could tell that the man had made it into my room. He was probably as tall as Elijah, except he did not look like a nice man.

"Tut tut ut Sophie.... Why didn't you let me in? I had to go through all that trouble just to have a little fun...."

He started lumbering over to me and I continued to try open the window.

I screamed when I felt his big sweaty hand dragging me away from the window.

"Shhh Sophie stop screaming. I'm not going to hurt you..." he whispered in my ear. His breath reeked of alcohol and his messy hair flopped like a mop on his hair.


"Now that's not very nice, is it?"

I continued to struggle from his grasp as his nails pierced into my skin. Suddenly it was like a lightbulb flashed through my head.

I quickly twisted myself to a standing position and kicked the man in the crotch, as he doubled over, I took this chance to grab a pillow before grabbing a chair and smashing the window.

I peeked over my shoulder to see the man struggling to stand up in his drunken state.

"You little slut! Get here right now so I can teach you a lesson!"

My vision got blurry with tears, but I quickly wiped them away knowing I had to get out of here first before breaking down into a hot mess.

The edges of the broken window were extremely sharp, so I pushed the cushion up to my good side before jumping and landing on the soft grass. I gritted my teeth as I felt a sharp pain tug at my ribs. All this action was definitely not good for the healing process.

I had to run out here before that pedo told Dante.

I had nowhere to go so I just ran down the main road as fast as I could. After 30 minutes of running and mainly limping, I had made it to a small children's playground. It was empty and dark as a couple of the lampposts were not working.

I climbed up the slide and sat in the little hut so I could take a moment for myself to breathe and take on everything that had just happened.

As soon as I took a deep breath my lip started to quiver, and I started crying. Had I really almost been assaulted? Imagine if I hadn't made it out of there on time. What would have happened?

As all the adrenaline left my body I started to feel pain everywhere. My hand was bruised, I had cuts made by the glass and to make it even better my ribs were in immense pain right now.

I rested my head of the back of wall before fishing out my phone from the bag.

Just great it was cracked. I mean what did I expect was going to happen after jumping through a window?

Was I really about to do this? Was I really going to ask my brothers for help?

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