Chapter 13

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Hearing that Lorenzo and Elijah had found our sister changed me.

It was true that I was not even 5 years old before she left, but the memories I had of her were stuck in my head forever. She loved us all, no matter how rude we were or how angry we were all she ever wanted to do as a baby was spend time with us.

When I first heard we were going to have sister I was angry. I didn't want some prissy spoilt brat ruining our family. Oh boy how wrong I was. Even as a baby she was kind. She made our family stronger. When she was born our parents started spending even more time with us. Before they were a little too cooped up with their work but after we were all like a perfect family.

As an angry child, I always wanted revenge or to cause pain. I was angry that she would always have my parents attention. I used to steal her toys hoping to make her cry or feel some pain but all she would ever to do is smile at me or find something else to do. After a while I felt guilty for all the bad things I had done. By the time I realised I should have been spending time with my sister instead of being angry, she was sent away, by my father.

For the rest of my life that anger and hurt has been trapped inside of me. I decided I wouldn't let my guard down for anyone else again, there is no point if everyone is going to leave me. It has happened to me way too many times. First my mother, then Sofia and after my father. Well to be honest my father became a lost cause as soon as my mother died. Something in him also changed that day. We all knew it. So, when he got killed the pain was more like a pinch and less like a stab.

When Sofia left, all my brothers changed too. Lorenzo pushed himself to be better for us, Elijah studied his ass off to get his medical degree, Emiliano and Alessandro started getting into frequent fights, Matteo was always trying to keep us all together and the rest of us were just confused. We didn't know what to do with ourselves.

Phoenix, Nazaire and I were the youngest, being left without our parents and little sister fuelled us with anger and sadness. Without anyone to guide us out of trouble we were pushed into sport. But anger and sport doesn't mix. The amount of yellow and red cards we received was unbelievable. When Elijah started finding out how much we were all hurting he forced each and every one of us to go to therapy. I'm not saying that we lasted more than a few months in therapy, but at least we learned where and how to contain our anger.

The only thing that pushed us to keep going was the thought that Sofia was safe.

I promised to myself I wouldn't let myself be seen as the weak and feeble brother. I wouldn't let my emotions change me like they changed my father. If pushing my sister away is something I have to do then so be it. I mean if I pretended for long enough it would come true. Right?

When we heard that Sofia had been sent to the hospital, I could feel pain taking over me. But I wouldn't allow it. I went straight to the gym and punched the shit out of those punching bags. Just to reference I had to buy new ones with my own money.

Alessandro locked himself in his room and Phoenix just left. I don't even know where he went. All I know is that he took the fastest car we had and didn't come back for a whole day.

Now I am here waiting impatiently for Lorenzo, Elijah and Nazaire to return with our sister. I have heard the stories of what's she been through, and I have been warned to be nice. But knowing me, I will probably mess up. I still couldn't believe that our father had left his own daughter with some messed up fucker.

Everyone except Phoenix, Alessandro and I have met Sofia. I was even surprised when Emiliano said he was going to the hospital. Emiliano was probably had the coldest personality out of all of us.

After called Lorenzo called us, telling about how the court case went Nazaire wanted us to decorate the house. Who did he think I was? Some kind of party planner or what?

I was arguing with Phoenix about him stealing my jumper when we heard Elijah call us down. We all raced down, wanting to be first of course.


She looked just like the picture. She was a few inches shorter than Nazaire. She was standing there looking uncomfortable; I mean we were all staring at her so I don't blame her. She had the same green eyes as Lorenzo, Phoenix and me and had inherited our mothers long brown hair. How could our father give her away? We couldn't even witness our own sister growing up.

I thought about running up to her and hugging her, but I had made a promise to myself and had intended to keep it. I didn't necessarily have to be mean; I just have to avoid her and make sure she stays away from me.

Before I could even think about what to say, some words blurted out of my mouth.

"Are you sure this is her? I was expecting someone a bit more... you know...."

I heard a gasp from a few of my brothers and received a hard glare from Nazaire. He was already really mad at me from a few nights ago.

"Xander! Ti ho già avvertito. Go back upstairs. I will be talking to you later." Lorenzo said, giving me a pointed look before I started heading up to his office.

"Don't worry Sof, he didn't mean it. He's just in a bad mood." I heard Nazaire whisper into our sister's ear. God, he was probably the world's biggest pick me. Already trying to receive brownie points from her.


"Why did you say that Xander? I warned you and told you about what she's been through and you still proceeded to act like shit."

"I was just speaking the truth."

"Bullshit. I know exactly wants wrong with you and I won't say it until you admit it to yourself."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You know this is no place for a little girl. What happens when she finds out her brothers are part of a fucking maf-"

"Shhh! I know you're hurting, because we are all hurting too. But what I do not agree with is taking your anger out on your own family. If you feel the need to punch something punch the wall for all I care, if you need to get away take the finest car drive till it's out of fuel but if I see or even hear about an incident with you and Sofia the consequences will be far worse. Do you understand?"

"Mhmm." I mumbled.

"Do you understand?" Lorenzo repeated.

"Yes, I understand."

"Good. If that's all then we are done here."

I walked out of Lorenzo's office, being annoyed and stubborn was hard when you had a brother like him.

I knew that being mean was not practical, but it was the best thing to do. Right?

Then why did I feel so guilty....?

Sorry for not posting yesterday but here is the chapter.

It's from Xander's point of view so I hope you can understand his intentions better.

Thanks you guys so much for 3k reads!!

This is a future warning that chapter 16 is going to be very long!!

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