Chapter 1 (The Summoning Ceremony)

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It had truly been such a peculiar day for Robin.  For awhile ago, he was just walking his way back home when suddenly a light swallowed him up and the next thing he knew was that he was at the center of a lavish looking grand hall filled with people wearing white robs as well as people dressed like nobles. Confused, Robin looked around and saw a girl along with him. Both of them were being stared at, and whispered can be heard inside the room.

It was enough to make Robin quiver nervously, and he clenched his fist trying to calm himself. Just then, a man with long white beard, stepped in front and raised his hands. "Rejoice! For the savior has been summoned!" He yelled.

"High priest, why are there two people summoned? It has never happened before. Are there supposed to be two savior?" One guy wearing a white robe spoke.

"No. There can only be one savior. It has always been that way," The old man answered.

"Then why are there two of them? A boy and a girl?"

"I am perplexed as well. But, the only way to know which of them is the real savior is if we check their magical capabilities. As the savior was described to have unparalleled magical powers. Stronger than any archmage and demon lord."

The high priest raised his hand and in turn people came to attend Robin along with the girl whose name is still unknown. Together they were ushered inside a room and was instructed to stay until further notice.

There was an awkward silence in the room as neither of them started talking. Robin was sitting quietly, while the girl was snacking on some macarons that was brought inside. In truth, Robin wanted to eat some of the macarons too. But, he knew better than to accept food brought in by a stranger.

"Hey," The girl called to him. "These are really sweet you know. Take a bite or I might just finish them all,"She said as she popped another into her mouth.

"No thanks. And you shouldn't really be accepting food from stranger's easily," He scolded.

"But it's rude not to eat. If you don't want to eat, then don't."

As the girl continued to eat, a moment later someone came through the door. Robin recognized him as the old man from earlier. He looked at the two and smiled. "Hello there children. Sorry to be introducing myself this late. But I'm Edgar. High priest of the goddess temple."

"I'm Zoey," The girl who was still eating the sweets laid down replied. Edgar then turned to Robin who was staring at him, uninterested.

"What about you young man, may I know your name?" He smiled. But, something about this guy's smile screamed suspicious to Robin.

"He's name's Robin," Zoe answered which shocked him as to how she knew her name. "I have your pen here. It has your small name on it. Must've fallen." She then tossed his pen to him.

"I see. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Now, do you know why you're here?" Edgar asked.

"Something about a savior," Robin spoke up remembering the conversation at the grand hall earlier.

"That's right. You see, the Kingdom of Wundievil has a tradition every hundred years to summon someone from another world to serve as the country's hero. She can either be a great warrior, genius mage or a kind saintess," Edgar explained to the two. "They would help us battle the threats our kingdome faces and would always bring victory in the name of the king."

"All of them are women?" Robin asked.


"Then Zoe is the savior."

"We're not quite sure, yet. You see, it's a first time in history that there were two people summoned from the ceremony. And for that we have to be very certain which is the savior."

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