Chapter 9 (Demonstration)

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Robin was currently resting after practicing some spells. Today, he was all alone as Nandral had to attend to something important regarding the village. The events of what happened yesterday, was still fresh in his mind. How he lost control of his anger, and how Nandral had comforted him. How... He gave him a kiss... Albeit on the forehead. Still, it made something inside him flutter each time he thinks back to it.

Needless to say, it also helped him to at least be a little motivated in his role as the savior. "Are you done training, little one?" Nandral's familiar voice came through.

Seeing him approaching, a wide smile spread across his face and he went to greet him. "Nandral, welcome back!"

Seeing the boy enthusiastic at his return as if he was waiting for him all day long made him happy. Also, a bit excited. "How is your progress?"

"It was well, I guess. I mean, look!" Closing his eyes, Robin focused and began to command the elements through his magic. Bringing his palms together, a flame ignited between, which he shot towards the air, creating fireworks.

Nandral was amazed for he has never seen such thing before. He knew, humans used things like this in one of their festivals. But, he never saw it up this close.

"How was it?" Robin asked him, eyes full of expectation.

You're too adorable for your own good, my little one. Nandral said in his mind. Reaching out, he gave stroke Robin's head with his large hands, which Robin himself liked.

"It looks like you're all set for the upcoming meeting. How about you take a rest. I brought some food," Nandral settled down onto the ground and place a clean cloth where he placed the food he brought. Robin was about to place his butt to the ground. When suddenly, without a word, Nandral pulled him and settled him onto his lap instead.

Robin blushed at this, and he knows it isn't normal for him a teenager to sit onto someone's lap like a child. But, when Nandral acts like this, he can't refuse it for somehow. Or rather... He won't.

Picking up a single grape with his two long large fingers, Nandral put it close to Robin's mouth and asked him to say 'aah'. To which the boy happily obliged.

That's right, little one. Depend on me. Let me pamper you, so much. Till' you are completely malleable in my hands. That way you will never ever escape me.

Nandral don't know how much he can keep up the nice act in front of Robin. While he does care for him. The feeling of wanting to devour and posses his whole being is stronger. And once Robin find out about how much of a savage he really is. He'll sweetly drown himself inside him, that he will cry out his name in pleasure.


It has finally come. The day where Robin will prove himself to the whole tribe, as the savior their expecting him to be. Lots of Orcs were gathered today, and along with some of their human mates they brought. Holding them closely to their body. Groping their asses and chests.

The elders stood at the center waiting for Robin who was on his way to them, with Nandral by his side. As they stood in front, Nandral bowed which was followed by the rest.

One elder orc came towards Robin and leaned down to him. Sniffing his face, he pulled away and stared into him. "Is this the savior? Had no idea, he would look so young. Out of all the captured humans, he's a child compared to them."

"Age plays no part in being savior. Now, we have waited long enough. Savior, if you would please. Show us the strength your brethren boasts to the other tribe. Show to us, the power the humans used to exterminate our kinds."

Robin would lie if he said he wasn't nervous. In fact, he wanted nothing more than to turn his back and run back to Nandral's home. But, as he realized that Nandral was in charge of him. It's likely, he would face a punishment to. And he doesn't want that to happen.

"Go on, Robin," The boy was shocked when he heard the orc he's been with all the time say his name. Looking at him, he gave the young one a nod of encouragement to tell him he was there whatever happens.

Not wanting to disappoint Nandral, he clenched his fist and began to concentrate on his powers. Meanwhile, the crown stood in silence and anticipation.

Nandral stared at the boy intently, worried about how things might turn out. He had faith in him. But, constant fear and anxiousness swayed inside. Which was a first for him, as even in the most dangerous battle, he never experienced this type of motion.

"Look!" As an orc pointed at Robin. Everyone stared in amazement as he began to be enveloped by some green magical misty hue, which was the magical energy he had gathered inside him. Opening his eyes, which glowed a bright a murky green, as oppose to his normal ones. Robin outstretched both his hands and chanted.

"Beast of the underworld. Hunter in the shadows hear my call. I summon thee from the pit. Fenriz!"  As Robin finished his enchantment green flames erupted from behind him. In which a beastly growl and large shadow figure step out from.

Everyone stared in shock as the legendary beast of legend. The beast of the underworld. Stood before them. Fenriz, the legendary black wolf. Hound of terror. The beast said to be created by the god of death himself. That no one has ever accomplished of summoning.

"Is this enough proof?" Nandral asked the elders.

"It is enough."

Hearing this Robin ended his demonstration and sent the beast back to the underworld, where his home was.

"Summoning a demon is no easy feat for a new magician. But, the legendary beast, not even the greatest magus is capable of summoning. You summoned with ease. It is too late, but please allow me to welcome you, Savior," As the village chief formally welcomed Robin everyone present cheered.

"Tonight, shall be a celebration. We will feast and fuck till the sun rise!"

And without waiting everyone quickly began to aggressively kiss their humans. And ram their large cocks in them without even a preparation.

Meanwhile, Robin began to feel a bit unsteady, all of a sudden. Fortunately, Nandral arrived on time and carried him to his arms. "You've done well, little one. You deserve a rest," He told Robin and gently stroke his head. Lulling him into sleep.


As Nandral made hi way home, with the unconscious Robin in his arms he heard a set of footsteps following him. Turning around, he was surprised when he saw his father.

"I see you have been taking quite well, of the savior. As you have intended," He said to him.

"Father, is there anything you need from me?"

"Nothing. Just came to check on you. So? Is there any progress to your plan on seducing the young one you are carrying?"

"Yes father. He's now dependent on me. Though its unbearable to hide from him my vicious thoughts. I will, it it means I keep him beside me."

"You haven't slept with him yet?"

"Not yet. Though, I don't know how much long I can take. It takes all of my self control to stop myself from pushing him down and dominating him then and there."

"Hahaha! Don't control it. It's who you are. It's who we are! We fucked any humans we found. Whether they be willing or not. Why wait when you can just rape him now, as he sleeps. Make him feel your glorious cock."

As the two orcs discuss between themselves. Robin who had gain some consciousness on the way, heard all of what they are talking about.

Woopsies! He heard them? Wonder what will happen next?😉

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