Chapter 13 (Jealousy and Possessiveness)

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After Nandral and Robin had finished taking a bath after making hard love with each other - they changed into some clothes. Nandral wearing only a greek skirt made from the skin of an animal. As for Robin... he wore the simple clothes like the ones you see in a movie an extra character in a historical movie usually wears. The two exchanged a kiss and smiled gazing lovingly at each other.

"Now little one... I know I agreed to let you watch how I train our warriors. So, I want you to stay close to me the whole time. Okay?" He asked and slide his large hand onto Robin's soft cheeks and brushed it with the pad of his fingers.

Robin felt how rough the skin of his thumbs were, but it was the same hands that had always comforted him. So he allowed him to touch him with his large hands and kissed it. Nandral picked him up and went out of their house onto the training ground. Once they reached the place, Robin noted a group of unfamiliar orcs gathered. They looked younger compared to the ones he had met and smaller.

Nandral noticed Robin looking at the younger Orcs and though it's nothing more than curiousity - he still doesn't like his beloved staring at other orcs. And he didn't miss the way the young orcs stared back into Robin with a hint of lust which of course is natural to Orcs. Feeling possesiveness over him, Nandral gently grabbed Robin's faced and began to kiss him. His tongue made his way into his mouth and he interwined it with his. It was his way of showing that he was his. And a warning to those lusting for him, that he will end them the moment they try to make a move on him.

Eventually he pulled away and stared at Robin's face who was all red and panting for air. Leaning down he gave him a kiss on the forehead and hugged him tightly. Nandral felt like going on a rampage. He's never felt this jealous before. He sniffed Robin's scent trying to calm himself down. Robin who somehow knew what was going on. Hugged Nandral with his thin arms and patted him. Slowly, Nandral calmed down and he gave Robin's head one more kiss.

'What would I do without you?'
He thought silently as he gazed down at his lover who was still hugging him. And seeing this, Nandral felt as if Robin would never leave him. And if he does... he's prepared to do whatever it takes to him to his.

Walking near the a large rock, Nandral settled Robin down. "Stay here," He said and ruffled his hair.

As soon as he faced the orcs behind him, his face became fierced, wild and scary. Different from what he usually is in front of his lover. The young orcs became terrified. They heard the stories of how the great orc warrior Nandral, who survived many battles and fought powerful foes. As evident with the many scars carved upon his body. He was respected and feared.

Raising his arms that was holding a large battle axe, Nandral hit the ground with it, causing a small tremor. "Listen up! You all are here to become warriors that protect our tribes. As you are now, you are not capable of doing so. However, you are like me a proud orc. Who was born to be on the battlefield. Show me how strong you are. Fight me! I'll only use my bare fist. Nothing more. You can all use your weapon on me. See if any of them can harm me?"

Robin grew worried. Sure Nandral is bigger compared to them. But their number is no joke. One orc charged towards Nandral with a large hammer and swung it viciously. Nandral dodge every hit. And catched the weapon with one hand, before hitting him with the other. With just one hit he was down. Soon others began attacking as well. But still, even with their weapons they were no match for Nandral who was much stronger and experienced than them.

Robin continued to watch as Nandral made quick work on them. And soon only Nandral was the last one left standing and the others lay in defeat. Nandral spoke to the younger orcs as they began to rise one by one. Before dismissing them. He marched towards Robin who eagerly accepted his embrace.

"You were so cool."

"Am I now?" Nandral playfully raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. You were handsome too. Especially when you were fighting earlier."

"Little one I think you're about the only human who would call an Orc handsome."

"But its true! To me Nandral is the coolest and handsomest," Robin soon realized that he was starting to sound like a kid and blushed.

"What's the matter? Why did you suddenly turn red?" Nandral put a hand on his forehead to check if he has any fever.

"I'm fine. Just embarassed. I feel like a child always being spoiled by you."

"You don't like it?"

"No. I love it. In fact, I think if this goes longer I might not be able to live without you," Nandral internally smiled at the thought. It was his intention after all. Him not being able to live without him by his side.

He always was spoiling Robin it was a part of his plan to chain his heart, body and soul to him forever. Robin himself, knew this yet still decided to stay with him. Same with Robin's sentiment, Nandral himself can't imagine life without the human now. He's become too important to the Orc who felt things he never felt before towards him. Jealousy, possesiveness and obsession, Robin taught him that without even knowing he did.

As the two were having a pieceful moment together. Robin felt something strange in the air. Nandral felt something off as well. Then all of a sudden explosions happened. Nandral held Robin close to him protecting him in his arms.

"Its the magic tower! Wizards is attacking us! Everyone grab your weapon!"

Hi! I'm back! Sorry if it took me this long to update. I was busy focusing on school. Because I didn't want to repeat another year. And I wrote this chapter to cheer me up. Because I failed my long exam. Hopefully I do better in my finals. And I pass. Wish me luck.

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