Chapter 8 (Comfort)

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Today, Robin was woken up by Nandral quite earlier than usual. He led him to the springs where he took his bath and brought him some fancy clothes to wear. When he asked about it, the orc informed him about the village council wanting to meet him. And how they want him to show them his great power as the savior. Instantly, Robin felt pressured just as he did back when he was in his world.  He thought that he wouldn't have to prove himself to anyone ever again. But, now that's exactly what was happening.

When Nandral saw the unfamiliar distressed expression on his face, he felt excited to see him anxiously fidgeting. It was as if he was waiting for his massive cock to breach his ass and would be pussy. But, Nandral had to swallow up his desire at the moment and asked the boy the reason for his anxiousness.

"I really don't have a bit of idea how the savior thing works in here. I mean, I was told about how they were warriors, healers and magicians but, I don't know what I am?"

"Well, if you healed my curse, that must mean you're a healer," Nandral replied. "Although, a healer isn't what my father and the council want. What they want is power to bring down the kingdom of Wundievel. And a healer can't do that."

"So what do we do?" Nandral looked down on the human deep in thoughts.

"I will cancel the meeting for today. I will say that you are sick. And therefore, cannot attend. But, only this time. The higher orcs are growing impatient."


"We train you. Just because you healed me, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a healer. For magicians also has the ability to heal using their magic. So, in the few days before the next meeting. You will train yourself. And I will be there. Understood?" Robin nodded.

Seeing him all trusting and submissive to him, Nandral smiled internally.


After informing the orc council about Robin's "sickness". They agreed on canceling the meeting, but not without a long argument and a warning how, they won't accept it a second time.

Meanwhile, Robin had already began practicing for the upcoming days for the meeting. Nandral, had given him a magical manual where it has all the spell he needs to learn for a beginner. And as promised, Nandral was there watching him. Which is kinda distracting.

"You're holding back," Nandral commented.

"I'm not," Robin reasoned.

"Well how is it, that a day has passed and all you manage to do is make a spark?"

"I'm just unfamiliar with it."

"No. You are not letting yourself accept it."

"Accept what?"

"The savior's power."

"Well, honestly I don't even wanna be a savior. I don't even know why I was chosen."

"Nobody does. It just happens."

"Bullshit," Nandral was surprised hearing him curse.

"It's frustrating," Robin began. "Back in my world I had to keep up with my parents expectations. Now, I have to do the same thing in here again! It's like someone doesn't want me to live a normal life! Fuck!"

Seeing the boy venting out his frustration, Nandral watched in astonishment as their surroundings seemingly responded to his emotion. The winds breath was as harsh as his anger. And his eyes was burning with such intensity.

"That's it. Let you're anger out. Use it to your advantage," Nandral instructed.

"I don't want to!" Lightning cut through the sky as he yelled. "Haven't you been listening to me!? I said I don't wanna be the savior!"

"Calm down! Or you might destroy our village," Nandral said as calm as possible. Not wanting to make him feel worse by being angry. He tried to hold his arms but he flinched when he was suddenly burned.

Seeing Nandral get hurt, Robin's anger subsided and he looked at the orc shocked at what he have done. "It's just a burn, I'm fine, little one," Nandral tried to assure the panicking boy.

"No! I-I hurt you. What if it was something worse? What if I had killed you?"

"I've been cut by many blades before, I took many shots and spells, yet I still lived," His words didn't reach Robin who was about to cry.

The thought of hurting the one who was taking care of him all this time, filled with Robin with intense guilt that he can't bare to look at him. But, a large finger pulled his face forward and wiped away the tears he didn't know was falling through his eyes. "I'm fine. I'm okay. See? It's not that bad," He showed him his burned hand.

Reaching slowly towards him, Robin took his large hand with his smaller ones and looked at it, as if it was some kind of precious thing that was broken. And he couldn't stop the tears falling down his eyes.

Nandral wanted to comfort the boy, but, he wouldn't let go of his hand. Just then, a tear drop of his fell on the orc's injured hand. And almost immediately, the burn mark disappeared as if it wasn't even there in the first place.

"You're healed"

"Of course, you healed me, again."

Not wasting another moment, Nandral pulled the boy towards his large body, gently pressing his head on his large, tone exposed chest. He rubbed his head comfortingly, like one would do to an upset child.

"I understand. You feel pressured by the expectation everyone is putting on you," Nandral began speaking in a soft but deep voice. "You were all alone. Back then, and no one was there to comfort you. But, it's fine now. I'm here. You won't be alone. I won't leave you alone."

At that moment, Robin sobbed into his chest and cried out all the frustrations he had hidden inside him all this time. Like a child he held onto Nandral, who acceptingly comforted him with his warmth and gave head pats with his large comforting calloused hand.

"Promise, you won't leave me alone?" Robin said between sobs.

"Promise," Nandral replied and gave him his first kiss... On the forehead.

Hello! Sorry I've been gone for so long. Did you miss them.😉

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