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Too arrogant.

That was everyone's first thought.

None of them dreamed Shen Yu would actually say such words in public. If he said similar things to the emperor in private, one could barely call it affectionate or teasing. But right now, no one dared to take Shen Yu's words as a joke.

"The noble monarch can't be serious. His Majesty is the emperor of the entire country. How can there be just one man in the harem?"

The speaker deliberately emphasized the word "man" to remind Shen Yu that he was only a man and couldn't expect to monopolize the emperor.

"Your Excellency, even if you say that, you can't disregard His Majesty's wishes, can you?" Shen Yu replied. "After all, these are His Majesty's private affairs, and His Majesty can do as he pleases. If I told you to dismiss your wives and concubines and made you take new people you don't even like, you wouldn't be happy either, would you?"

"What you're saying is unreasonable. His Majesty is the emperor. How can you compare his situation with ours?"

"The emperor is a person, just as you're a person. If you don't like having people pushed on you, why should His Majesty like it?"

Shen Yu was nestled in Shang JunLin's arms, feeling the slight trembling in the man's chest. Their hands were entwined.

"The noble monarch is right. This emperor will not bother my beloved officials with my private affairs."

They all heard the approval in Shang JunLin's voice. A potential crisis had been averted. One might think the ministers would be happy about that, but the outcome meant they couldn't be happy at all.

The emperor favoring a single person was not a good thing for them.

A few of them began to regret it. If they'd known that once His Majesty's heart was moved, it wouldn't easily move again, they never would have argued for the entry of the Zhenbei Marquis' son into the palace. Or perhaps they would have fought even harder to recommend their own sons and daughters.

Compared with limitless glory, splendor, wealth, and rank, what was a little danger?

For the rest of the banquet, no one dared to say anything about Shen Yu. The emperor's attitude was clear. If they kept talking about it, they wouldn't necessarily enjoy the outcome.

The low atmosphere gradually cleared, and the palace banquet became lively again.

Lithe and graceful dancing girls entered the hall, performing delicate, mincing steps to stirring music. Their diaphanous skirts fluttered with their movements, creating a feast for the eyes.

"The dancers trained in the palace really are different," Shen Yu commented as he poked at the meat in his bowl.

"You like them?" Shang JunLin asked in an unclear tone.

Shen Yu immediately sensed Shang JunLin's displeasure. Although he didn't know the reason for it, he replied cautiously. "Not really. Compared to them, I still prefer Your Majesty."

"... Mm," Shang JunLin felt happier and returned the compliment. "This emperor also prefers the noble monarch."

Noting that the air pressure around him had returned to normal, Shen Yu continued to enjoy the singing and dancing. He had considerable patience for good-looking things. While watching, he asked Shang JunLin, "Your Majesty, do you know who arranged this dance?"

Shang JunLin didn't care about such things, so he summoned Meng Gonggong. "Answer the noble monarch's question."

"It was managed by the Music Division. If the noble monarch likes it, this slave will ask them to prepare another dance." Meng Gonggong helped Shang JunLin manage the palace and knew these little details well.

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