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Shang JunLin imagined Shen Yu dressed as a little eunuch with red lips and white teeth, and his eyes darkened.

In the end, he couldn't bear it.

"This emperor will tell someone to put up a screen. You can sit behind it."

Shen Yu nudged him. "Is that Your Majesty's way of taking revenge for the time I put you behind a screen?"

At the time, Shen Yu needed to establish his authority in Yuzhang Palace, but Shang JunLin refused to leave. Shen Yu had to tell someone to set up a large screen in the main hall and asked Shang JunLin to sit behind it.

Shang JunLin pinched Shen Yu's cheek. "Do you think this emperor is so petty?"

"Your Majesty took advantage of the letters Shen QingRan wrote to me several times..." Shen Yu muttered under his breath.

Shang JunLin's ears were sharp, and he heard Shen Yu say this clearly. He jokingly pinched the young man's cheek and shook it left and right. "If Ah Yu didn't always refuse, would this emperor have to find so many excuses?"

He wished the names of other men would never be mentioned in Shen Yu's hearing.

Shen Yu didn't want to admit Shang JunLin was right. He broke free of Shang JunLin's hand. "Your Majesty just likes to make trouble. Why are you trying to blame someone else?"

If it wasn't for the fact that Shang JunLin wanted more and more every time, would Shen Yu need to try to refuse?

"Yes, yes, it's all this emperor's fault. This emperor hasn't worked hard enough to make Ah Yu enjoy himself." Shang JunLin relaxed the hand pinching the soft flesh on Shen Yu's face and kissed the reddened skin.

For a moment Shen Yu was speechless at Shang JunLin's deliberate misinterpretation of his words. However, he knew he had no chance of defeating Shang JunLin where this subject was concerned.

He sat up straight and patted Shang JunLin on the shoulder as if he was venting his anger. "Your Majesty has worked hard. Really, if you try any harder, Your Majesty will have to find someone else."

Didn't he toss Shen Yu around enough already? What more did he want?

"Ah Yu, don't talk nonsense." Shang JunLin grabbed Shen Yu's waist and took the man into his arms, then bit Shen Yu fiercely on the lip.

"Mm—" There was a sting of pain, and Shen Yu let out a low cry. Soon the taste of blood was in his mouth. "Your Majesty!"

"This emperor doesn't like to hear such things." Shang JunLin let go of Shen Yu's mouth and gently kissed the blood stain on his lip. "Ah Yu, everything this emperor has can only belong to you!"

The man's aura was so strong it was frightening, like a raging storm that would sweep through everything in its path. Shen Yu, at the center of the vortex, felt the strength of Shang JunLin's emotions.

"Well, Your Majesty, I was talking nonsense," Shen Yu admitted. When Shang JunLin withdrew, Shen Yu took the initiative to chase him and kiss the man's lips. "Your Majesty certainly belongs to me, and no one can take Your Majesty from me."

The terrible aura around Shang JunLin gradually stabilized after Shen Yu's reassurance. He didn't immediately resume his efforts but enjoyed a rare instance of Shen Yu taking the lead.

The young man had a light fragrance on his body which was very faint. Shang JunLin could only smell it when they were close, and he liked the scent very much.

Shen Yu didn't go deeper; he just grinded against Shang JunLin's mouth. His lip was wounded, and a faint taste of blood reached their tongues.

When he sensed that Shang JunLin had calmed down, Shen Yu slowly withdrew.

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