Chapter XLVI

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(TW: Flashbacks to violence & death)

When Bianca opened her eyes, the last thing she expected to see was three Lairds and Angus all staring down at her. 

She jolted up, pulling the furs closer to her chest though she still wore the clothes from the day before. Callum was already sitting up, the colour in his cheeks returning. He still looked incredibly weak but better. 

There were shadows under his eyes, though the corner of his lips threatened to curl upwards in amusement at her shock. 

"Morning," She tried not to scowl at the amusement now laced in his tone, instead trying to focus on sitting up, keeping the furs around her as she eyed the Lairds. 

"Good," Laird McKenzie murmured, brows high. "Now, er, that we are all awake." He looked about him, his gaze seeming to try and avoid Bianca at every turn. "We can, er, discuss ter way forward."

Angus made a noise at the back of his throat. "Ack, I think it's pretty clear." Catching Bianca's puzzled look, the elder man clarified. "Ye should wed."

"Yes," Laird McKenzie agreed, giving Bianca and Callum a pointed look - taking in the sight of them curled up in bed, Callum bare-chested. "I think that would be appropriate, even without the... complication of Grey."

Bianca winced at the mention of Grey - her mind threatening to flashback to what had happened. Instead, the priestess willed herself to remain present, to focus on the events unfolding before her, not those of the past, however recent. 

"Marriage?" She asked, her brows pulling together as she glanced up at Callum, who looked down at her with a slight grimace. 

"Aye, marriage," Angus confirmed. "Ye and Cal." As if that were not obvious. 

Bianca frowned. "I do not understand."

Many brows rose at that. "Well, er lass." Laird McKenzie began. "When a man and a woman want to seal their union in the eyes of God - or, ah, gods?"

"I know what marriage is," Bianca interjected, sitting up straighter as frustration laced her tone. "What I do not understand is why there needs to be a marriage at all."

She felt the rumble of Callum's chest as he spoke. "Because of what happened lass," His voice was gentle, if not slightly pained. "You broke the law - Grey shouldnae died in the duel."

Her head whipped around so fast Bianca was sure that she was at risk of snapping it. "He was going to kill you." Her voice came out more forceful than she intended. "I was preventing him from breaking any laws." She nearly spat out the last word with disgust. In truth, it revolted her that these men - men that claimed to be far more civilised than Bianca and her people - has actual rules and laws surrounding when a person could or could defend another. 

"Aye," Callum agreed. "Ye know that and I know that. But the English..."

"Will nae see it like that." Laird McKenzie finished, drawing Bianca's attention back to him. His expression was sympathetic but firm. "Priestess, in their eyes you interfered with the laws of a duel, a sacred law where both men are meant ter walk away. As far as they are concerned, Grey and his men invoked a duel on Callum's lands and know they are all dead. Even if we tell them the truth, the English Lords will want any opportunity ter storm up here and start a war."

Bianca felt the spot between her brows beginning to pound. Closing her eyes, she rubbed at the stop, hoping to ease the persistent throb. "And how does marriage resolve any of this?"

There was a long pause of silence, heavy enough that Bianca willed her eyes open, looked at each of the men in turn. "Well?"

Angus looked positively uncomfortable. "Well, yer see lass, it's... it's..."

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