Chapter XXI

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With everyone occupied by the tournament, Bianca was free to roam the castle and its grounds. Her feet brought her to the stables, which were empty save from the horses. Freo's head peeked up at her approach, the grey mare's nostrils flaring as she took in Bianca's scent.

The priestess patted the horse, though her mind felt like it was unraveling. Morrigan's appearance felt like an omen, a warning. The gods were not like humans, they did not think or feel the way humans would. But Bianca could not help but wonder that in her anger towards them, they too had begun to feel ire.

Saddling Freo up for a ride, Bianca wondered where she would go - she had not truly thought this far ahead. The thought of Callum and Alec fighting seemed trivial in comparison to the war god's prophecy and endlessly dark eyes that seemed to see and know all. Grabbing the reins, the priestess hoisted herself up and nudging her heels into Freo's flank.

She did not know where she was going, only that she had to go. Voices and visions lurked in the outskirts of her mind as if they threatened to overcome her. The war goddess seemed to have left a darkness in the priestess' mind, a warning that Bianca could not shake. It seeped into her very bones, chilling her to her core and though the sun shone bravely, albeit weakly, it could do nothing to ward of the cold that had settled inside of her.

Bianca focused on the feel of Freo's muscles moving beneath her, the gentle intake and outtake of breath the horse gave, not tiring from the prolonged ride or the sheer speed at which she rode. The priestess closed her eyes for a brief moment, relishing the feel of the crisp air in her hair, the way it stung at her nose and cheeks, the way her dress strained against the wind's force.

She did not know where she was going, knowing little of the highlands. Though she did consider returning to the little village that she had been with Callum and Alec, she did not crave to be surrounded by people. No, Bianca wished to be alone with her thoughts, for they troubled her. 

It felt like her mind was being torn in two - part of it spinning from Alec and Callum.  She could not help but think she had gotten herself in too deep with the cousins. They both seemed to want something from her that she was unsure if she could give. As a priestess, she never had to worry about affairs of the heart. Her heart was sworn to the gods - every part of her was theirs to do what they wished. 

Which led her to the other matter that tormented her. The gods. 

Bianca felt her cheeks dampen at the thought and she did not fool herself into thinking that the tears ran due to the sting of the wind. No, her heart ached. Her heart ached for the powerful beings that were once her solace but now seemed to be using her like a merely cog in the wheel of their great plans. Easily used, easily disposed of. 

Before Callum's men had come to her lands and massacred her people, Bianca's life had been simple. Her faith had been strong and her purpose clear. Now, she doubted everything and had the physical and emotional scars to prove it. 

Gently, she reached up to touch the back of her head where her skull had slammed against stone. There had been times since her attack that she had almost forgotten that it had happened. Moments where she could almost believe that it had all been a bad dream. But in her quietest moments, alone with her thoughts, the memories would come rushing back. 

It scared her that she did not know who had done such a thing to her. That they could easily do it again should they find the most opportune moment. Like now. She was alone and everyone was occupied with the tournament to notice her absence. Too far away from the castle to call out for help. 

Slowly Freo, Bianca debated returning to the castle. 

But before her held a secluded clearing, one littered with wildflowers and the heady scent of lavender. About her, birds sang and the soft rush of a stream lingered in the air. 

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