Chapter 7

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Sunday had rolled around. And George had texted me letting me know that he was on his way. So I had to prepare. I proceeded to the guest room to see if Aurora wanted any help with packing. The sooner she gets the hell out to my house, the better. It puts me on edge with her around. The door was cracked, so I knocked before Peeping my head through .

"Hey Aurora, just checking to see if you needed any help with packing? George is on his way as well. But your more than welcome to stay for dinner."

"Yeah sure. I didn't bring much but you can help if you want."

She didn't really look at me much. It kinda threw me off. What if she knew? Putting these chilling thoughts aside ,I made my way to the dresser and started helping move her clothes into the maroon suitcase on the bed.  I had just finished the second drawer when I heard a knock at the front door.

"Must be George. I'll get it."

I quickly make my way down stairs and to the front door. It's been awhile since I have seen George, so I was excited. You see, George has a PHD in physics. So he's got a "important job" as he calls it, yet he's not married. George is 34 years of age. He has his own house on the other side of town. We don't get to spend much time together like we used too. Out of excitement I almost dislocated my arm swinging the door open to a smiling Idiotic George.

"What's up Hoe, long time no see. You surely don't think you have out grown spending time with your little ol sister now have you?"

I looked at him trying to hold back a laugh daring to escape my lips. He looked at me with one of those
"You must be fucking ignorant" faces that he used to use when we were kids.

Sure I did a lot of stupid stuff. Like the time I put Air freshener in his shoes, and he got that bad rash. Or that one time that I turned the light off while he was taking a shower and he tried to get out to turn it back on . And long and behold he got his foot stuck in the toilet. Mom ended up having to call the fire department to get his foot out. Let's just say, I got grounded for a whole month for "waste of community resources." And I quote.

But the worst one was when I got these bad ass new spider hands with the web in it. Well In my mind it was actual webbing. Although it was silly string. I didn't care. I was destined to be the new spider man... I got on top of the bunk beds and sprayed my "web" at the Roof and jumped. Back then I thought it would hold me. But of course it didn't. I broke my ankle that night. And let's just say that ma wasn't happy that George let me do it. Knowing that the web wasn't real. So George got the shit end of that stick and was grounded for 3 whole weeks. For "ignorance, and rough housing."
Pulling me from my thoughts was George who was speaking up. And waving his hand in front of my face

"Hello , any one home in that big ass head?"

I slapped his hand from in front of my face. Then quickly and ninja like, I chopped his ass right in the throat. I giggled at how wide his eyes went. They were like saucers in the sky. Hilarious might I add.

"Now talk that shit . Bet you won't."

I barely got the words out from laughing so hard. He was acting like a fish out of water. And holding his throat. Before he started rubbing his Adam's apple to soothe the pain.

"Never come at a bad ass ninja like my self . Unless your prepared for all this badassery."

He flipped me off, how dare this cocky little shit. Finally collecting him self, he had to come in with his stupid punctuation.

"You do realize that isn't a word.. Right? Oh wait of course you didn't. Not enough room in that pea sized brain of yours."

He looked at me with a massive shit eating grin trying his best to keep his composure and not laugh his ass off . While on the other hand. I was about to explode. This is his way of calling me stupid I'm going to kill him. But I'll save it for later. He is here helping me after all.

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