Chapter 20

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Demetrias POV

I had woken up About 15 minutes ago. I had my self a shower. And dressed in a beautiful yellow knee length sun dress. I thought it would be lovely to visit my people in.

My parents are waiting for me down stairs. Just waiting to introduce me to everyone from our pack, at least everyone of importance.

The first person I met was Caria, she was the one of the pack healers. She reminds me of my mother in so many way. Come to find out that it's my mother sister. So it made a little more sense. She was a sweet kind lady. I also met a few other pack healers (doctors) as well.

We then went on to meet miss Carnage. She was the one to watch the little ones. And I'm case of emergencies she would collect all the children and get them to safety, Along with her assistant Adeline. They were amazing people as well

Then there was Mrs.Carlton. She was my grandmother. On my mothers side. She was a very interesting woman to be honest. With her short stature and all. She wanted to know everything about me. We had never met, yet she was fond of me just like one of her other grandchildren. It felt nice to know I was loved , even by people who had never met me.
We ended up spending lunch with my grandma. We had lunch as a local diner. And it was so beautiful and peaceful. I very much so enjoyed it. After lunch we had pardoned ways. My father had a meeting and my mother had to accompany him.

I had decided I wanted to take a walk. Get my head around this beautiful place. A moment of peace is what I was searching for.

I had found the head of the trails, and started walking. 30 minutes in, I decided to just set down and enjoy this beautiful open field that had daisys growing every where. I laid with my pack to the ground, staring up into the beautiful blue sky.

At some point I had fell asleep. I was dreaming of my prom night senior year. I had been accompanied by Logan. He was a tall handsome brunette. With gorgeous hazel/green eyes. They were beyond captivating. I was deep in mesmerizing Logan. When I felt a shift in the atmosphere. It felt warm, and comforting. Yet dangerous at the same time.

I felt a set of arms wrap around me , lifting me from the ground. I felt a little uneasy. And before I could register what was happening, I get a sharp pant in my arm. And my whole dream come down crashing into nothing but darkness with no way out.

I didn't know what was happening. I would come forth in my conscious here and there. Catching a few small pieces of conversations that some men were having around me.

I had heard them say that the prince would be very satisfied with finding me. Then I went back out. A little while later, had come back again. This time hearing them discussing what part of the dungeons to put me in.

At this point, I was panicking. These people had kidnapped me. And everything was some what registering in my brain. My knowing wasn't working as my consciousness is the light switch. So when I'm not awake fully, I can't use it. But when I'm fully awake, I can control it.

I had felt the silver touch my skin. As my hands were cuffed and I was slumped against a cold wall. It was so uncomfortable, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Eventually I stopped falling into oblivion. When I was able to open my eyes, I noticed it was almost completely dark. The only light that was present, was the little bit of light shining from the window above.

And according to the light, it was sunset. It must have been hours since I was asleep. My head was pounding and I felt a little nauseous. It smelt bad down here, dirty and all.

I didn't know where I was other than the fact I was being held captive. I was taking in my surroundings and trying to come up with a way to get out of this mess. When the door to my cell was opened.

There stood a man who was 6'7 with golden eyes. He had short kept black hair. And a beautiful chiseled face. He had bulging forearm muscles.

I mentally scolded my self for checking my captor out. Then he spoke with his deep masculine voice. It was like a melody. And I refused to look him in the eye. Afraid of the emotions I may see. But at the same time I felt comfort in his words.

"I was quite surprised that we caught you so easily. It took me years to find you. Your the ultimate weapon. And I want you to fight for us."

I scoffed at his suggestion. As if I would fight for some one who didn't have the balls to ask me to face for help but instead kidknapped me. And is holding me hostage in a fucking dungeon.
I responded but never lifted my head, I didn't want him to see my discomfort.

"I would never help you. Only a monster would go through what you did to get me. And I'm sure it was a lot."

I could feel the anger bubbling in him. And I never had to look up. He moved quick, and in a flash he was standing in front of me. Putting his finger below my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.

The second I looked into his eyes... I knew that he was my Soul Bound. I felt the sparks running throughout my body. Igniting the fire within me. This is the moment I've been waiting for, since the beginning of my creation.

I was shocked and wide eyed and not sure what to honestly expect... I didn't have a mate, I had a soul bound... A soul bound is the other half to a vampire or witch. I couldn't tell for sure which he was, considering the silver in the restraints were blocking my knowing.

"I know you are my Soul Bound. But I don't care. I don't need you to be my other half. But what I do need is for you to fight for us. To make things right. You either help or you will die."

I looked at him astonished simply. How could he let his Soul Bound set in this cell, chained to a wall.... My heart shattered and the bond had already began to weaken. I felt it to my core.

I was angry, I was heart broken, and I didn't know what else to say, other than the gruesome truth. I looked him dead in the eyes.

"I would never help a monster like you. One who denies their Soul Bound. To let them rot in this cell, threaten their life. Your a horrible person. What we're the gods thinking when they paired me with a selfish monster like you. I'll take what ever punishment you give me. But I will not fight for you, or your species."

He looked beyond angry. Trying to control his spirit within him. His eyes flashed red. And that's when I knew that he was a vampire.

"I wouldn't help you even if I am one of you."

I whispered lowly. To the point I thought he didn't hear me.

"As you wish Zionaiah. As you wish..."

And with that he left my cell, leaving the dungeons immediately before 3 burly guards made their way to my cell. With nothing but an evil grin plastered on their face...

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