Chapter 15

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                         Demetria's POV

I don't know how long I was in my memories. They replayed over and over. Memories of when I was a little girl. Like the time I was super mad at my parents for not letting me have a cookie, so I lit my teddy on fire. Or when I was 2 and i had levitated my bottle to me when I was hungry. I envisioned my real parents and what they looked like. My memories were coming back to me. I had also dreamt of a weird symbol. One I didn't understand.

It was like I was falling into the inevitable darkness. I stayed there for what felt like weeks. The moon goddess never visited me again.

As time went on, I gained knowledge of my true self. My name was Zionaiah , and I was the moon goddesses child. She named me after her self. She was my creator. I also had memories that weren't my own. More like visions of my self. Who I was supposed to be. I was a warrior, a saint, and a Demi god. I was a mixture of 3 species  including but not limited to a werewolf, a witch and a vampire. Over the time i was learning about it.

I also learned how werewolf's worked, as well as the other 2 creations. I had a link to all 3, so I was shown how they live and worked. I then realized that I didn't have a mate , a soul mate or a soul bound. I hadn't met my other half yet.

Instantly I regretted my decisions with Giovanni. I also seen some of my past. I had realized that he didn't know who I was. I also seen that him and Aurora were mates. I instantly realized that I had betrayed my other half. Who ever he was. I felt horrible. It's like all my senses come back to me in my memories. It was quite weird and awkward to be honest. Everything hit me like a brick wall. My dad, the one who didn't actually take part in my creation, was telling the truth.

I had flashes of my families real identities. My parents were alpha and Luna of their own pack. My brothers each had a high ranked position within their pack. I would have never guessed or predicted any of it honestly. It was quite crazy. In such a short time, I learned everything there was to know. Like who my real parents are. Turns out that they are king and queen of the Werewolf's, and I was the princess. But to everyone else, I was known as the lost princess.

I had learned that the kingdom had named me the lost princess, due to the fact that I disappeared before any one ever saw me. With no information as to where I had disappeared too.

Some thought I was dead, others thought I was sent away. Yet I was hidden just a few towns over, on a territory that was built upon humans. But inhabited by werewolf's, to an extent. 75% were human compared to the 25% of werewolf's who lived there. They were hiding me in plain sight.

They raised me to be a human. To have a normal life. The moon goddess has created my anklet to keep everything at bay. To keep me safe, and only reflect my self as a human. She decided to prophecy lock it. Which means that I was stuck as a human with no knowledge or recollection of my true self. Until the prophecy started to begin. Once it had begun my anklet would break apart like it did before I was thrown into obsidian.

Another thing that I had learned, was my true purpose. The prophecy's words had rang in my ear. I soon realized why they tried to give me the most normal life possible. It was because I was doomed from my birth. The prophecy states that I would lay down my life for the better of the future. I was not supposed to make it to the end, yet put an end to the on coming war.

It was scary to know honestly. I wasn't ready to leave this world. Yet I knew that it wasn't the first life I had lived. The previous life I had led was shown to me. The last time I walked the earth was when the Cold War happened. I had been born to take down the Vampiric king. The moon goddess and the moon god, had decided that he was a negligent soul. He only cared about him self, and the power he wanted to obtain. He wanted to be the king of all creations. He forced the people he ruled over, to attack the covens of witches, and pacts of werewolf's.

So they made me, their weapon of mass control, but also a weapon of mass destruction. Back then, I was not kept hidden. I was a daughter to a alpha and Luna and not the king and queen. This was so that I could be trained properly and learn everything I needed too.

That included harnessing all my powers in every shape and form. I was trained secretly by the highest ranking warriors for each creation. I worked hard, and trained harder. Back then, the prophecy was un known. Even if it was known. No one truly would understand as it would take years to dissect the meanings behind the prophecy. Even today, not all is understood. The moon goddess does not share information in detail. She keeps the main reasons hidden but gives her orders. No one could question her reasoning. What she said went. The only one she spoke to of the plans and revealed everything in details, was myself. Yet I'm not permitted to speak with any one about it.

Back before the Cold War had started. No one knew that the Vampiric king would go nuts and power hungry. The gods didn't pay much attention to what was going on. Believing that the creations had co existed for so long. That they didn't need them to watch over them.

That would cost them in the long run. So when the Cold War began, it brought the moon goddess's attention. She analyzed, and waited. Following his every interest. Weighing it out to see who's best interest was considered more beneficial in his decisions. She had realized she made a mistake by leaving the creations to be for years. She thought that they would be okay. As they had established laws, boundaries, and much more. They were highly functional and highly successful.

Over that time, rouges became more and more common. People were denying their mates or soul bounds/ soul mates. Others were committing treason, or being banished due to disrespect toward their leaders. The werewolf world became tainted. Omegas we're common, some blamed for mistakes that weren't their own. Things that couldn't have been prevented by one person alone. Along with the omegas, came the abuse. They belittle their omegas and allowed others to do so. The moon goddess had soon realized that she needed to form a plan. As the werewolf's weren't the only ones turning cold, not only that but the Vampires had become tainted. Their king was turning cold. Rouges showing up on his door steps, and him building an evil army to gain power and control.

Some vampires turned a cold shoulder to the king. Wanting no participation in his evil intentions. While others followed him blindly. Vampires who believed that they were not the inferior creation. But that they were the best to ever be made.

They follow the moon god. He was the one who gave them life. Yet he walked away from watching them as well. Following his sisters foot steps. He left them to be for many years. Yet he had not planned to take a look upon his creation.

The moon goddess finally brought forth the problem. She had told her brother that they must create a secret weapon. One to put an end to the Vampiric kings rule. Her brother did not agree with killing his chosen king. So they debated, and argued for weeks. Before coming to a decision. They agreed to throw him in the gods dungeons. One of the most highly guarded dungeons to ever exist. No One ever escaped.

So they created a special creature. They wanted the weapon to be made of each of the 3 creations. So they enlisted the sun goddess for her help. She agreed to give her a part of a witches soul. That included a link, as well as powers. Then the moon goddess and her brother then gave the creation a piece of their creations. Only the moon goddess gave her more. She gave the creation a piece of her soul. And her knowledge, with memories.

So each time she would enlist the creation, she would know who and what she was, along with why she was created. It made things easier, and less time consuming. So by the time they had created her, and she had grown to her full potential. She was enlisted to fufill her purpose. She fought to the end. Losing her life. Being gashed open, and shot. Losing a lot of blood, but she pulled through until they contained the king who had fallen unconscious.

After he was captured the weapon known as Zionaiah , fell. She died not long after. People worshiped her, and laid a memorial out in her name. They spoke of her in school, taught the children of all creations about her. Then the prophecy came to light. One to be known in the future. It took years for them to dissect the meaning.

Now here we are. Myself in oblivion, now knowing everything there is to know. When I wake I'll be thrown into training. That's a fact. I'm hoping I won't have to train long as I remember all my training from my past. It's like I never died.

I knew my true purpose now. I hope to succeed once again. This time, I aim to live after one more fight with the vampiric king. I also hope to find my other half. I don't want to lay here any more. I want to wake up. Please moon goddess, wake me up. I am ready....

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