Bonus chapter

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Mr.Sokolov's POV
I've been looking for some time. I've searched every where. Yet I can't find the lost princess. The child that is prophesied to put an end to the Vampiric king known as Dracon. He was an evil man, he was derived and crazy. He had went power hungry. And Any one who had ever met the man knew how fucking crazy he was. He was imprisoned in the dungeons of the guards. After the Great War.
It's said to be protected and it's the worse place a person could land. There has never been a successful escape. Many have tried and many had failed.

There had been a whisper in the wind for the last few months of the Vampiric kinds return. It has been rumored that the Rouges, and those were denied from their covens or society, were the ones who wished to release him. Believing that if they had released him and help him obtain all power over all of the species then they would have power as well. Who else truly knows what they believe to gain from it. Due to the whispers in the wing. I've been mobilized into finding the one who would put an end to the king. If he does come back that is. The plan was to locate her, and train her to her true potential. We could use her as a wager, since her life was doomed to end any way by the final fall of the Vampiric king. We plan to use her to keep our selfs safe. We didn't care much about any other species other than my own. I know it's selfish, but it was what we were taught to believe. The wolves were just as power hungry as the vampiric king Dracon. The waged war with us before over resources. Who's to say they won't Try again. We can't trust them.

There only Intel I had was that  The princess has never been seen by the public eye. The only ones who ever laid eyes upon her were her personal care taker, and her parents. She's the only born daughter to the king and queen of the werewolf species. And She was rumored to be beautiful beyond compare. The prophecy states that she contains all 3. We don't really understand what that means quite yet. Very little is known of the lost princess. But what We do know is that she hasn't been in the castles vicinity since she was but a child. They knew who she was based upon the mark upon her shoulder. This mark contains a symbol of a savior sent by the gods . The symbol has never shown on a wolf before. Except the last time we had seen her, with was the last war. She died to put an end to Dracon rule. She has what we call the symbol of calling. It's a sacred symbol that we have only seen in the history books. It's a picture of a wolf. But only half the face is shown. The other half is completed with a face, one that is splattered with blood, and a sun that emits rays of light from behind the wolf/face. It was a beautiful symbol indeed. They say that the wolf stands for purity, and the face stands for life beyond a wolf. Then the sun stands for the evil that could burn through the purity. But no one knows what the blood splatter meant. No matter how much we studied, how many ancestors we talked too. No one knew, at least no one was willing to share the truth. Even if they did know. I needed to know more about the lost princess. And the best way to accomplish that. Was spying.

After searching some time within the kingdom , I ended up locating the queens right hand lady. She hadn't been seen within the kingdom in a long time. But rumor has it that she meets the king and queen at a safe house to enlighten them on their daughters life. So that must mean that she's guarding the lost princess. We have yet to crack the safe house's location. It was time to look for outside help.

So we found a small town investigator to do our dirty work. We figure if we follow Maria that she would lead us to the lost princess. She clearly has some sort of contact with her.

We located a lady named Demetria. She seemed to fit what we needed as far as recon goes. If she didn't do as we say then we would have to threaten her or harm her. And if it came down to murder, then it would be easy to cover up.

The woman easily agreed, eager to have her business take off. What she doesn't know is that by the end of it, we will have to kill her regardless. So We couldn't risk her finding out who we were, let alone what we were. She would be considered a lose end. One we would have to tie up. I hated it for her as she seemed like a nice wonderful woman. She was beautiful, with gorgeous green eyes, and her beautiful red hair.
I almost felt something for her. As if something was pulling me. But I had to shake it, she couldn't be my soul mate. I'm 100 years old and have yet to meet my soul mate. Chances are that she died as a child. My twin Anton had found his soul mate already. He was 40 then. He's been happy with his soul mate since. And to top it off, His soul mate was a nice woman. She was Caring and everything that was needed to be a queen. But as I was born first. I was king. And he was still a prince.. I've considered stepping down as I won't have an heir since I have no soul mate.

This is another reason I want the prophesied princess. Maybe she could help me find my soulmate or possess a power to help me find out why I haven't met my soul mate yet. She would be a game changer pawn. I know she would protect her people at all costs. And so would I, and that's why I need her. To protect our people. For what reason did she have to fight for us, us "blood suckers". We were never anything special to the other species. I don't care if she laid her life down for us one. Who's to say she would do it again. They considered us monsters. Yet we never harmed a soul that was tainted with evil. We wouldn't take the life of an innocent person.  Unless we absolutely have too. I just hope that Demetria has more answers for us soon. I wanted to get this over with. Little did I know. My lost princess was right in front of me. I just hadn't taken notice

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