Editors note

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Welcome back everyone! It's been one long road. I do want to let you all know that my opening chapter has been written for the second book.

So let's talk names ah? So the sequel to this book will be called After Fate. Many of the main characters will reprise their roles. This does include main characters that were displaced during the book.  Including Giovanni as well.

I know that some characters that are main keys were displaced within the first 15 chapters. I have not wrote any chapters on their perspective and reactions. These perspectives will be revealed with time.

There is a reason that I have concealed the characters from the beginning of the book. There are still plenty of twists and turns this book has left. And when the sequel is released, you will be able to see them.

It has taken months to pull this together and I'm sure it will be months before the sequel is finished. It just depends on the time I have available, and when my creative points come out.

Once again. Thank you all!

But before I go. I want to say that this book wasn't just a Chance. It was by fate. The person who reads this will know it's for them.

"Sometimes the and things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.


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