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It's has been two years since Nico and Bianca moved in with Percy and Hestia. Hestia was a great aunt to them but it was time Bianca decided that she would join the Hunters of Artemis. Nico was shocked at first he did not took it well but he later decided that she had sacrificed to much looking after him. He thought she has the right to decide what she wanted.

Hestia was about to take Bianca to Hunter's camp but Nico and Percy wanted to drop her. She was not ready for her son and nephew to be shot dead Hunter's. Also it was not wise for them to reveal themselves just yet. 

They protested allot but there shut down by Hestia's glare.

Bianca gave hug to both her brother's and bid them her farewell.

Hestia summoned her brother's so that did not follow them.

Hades and Poseidon and boys were left as Hestia and Bianca left.

As soon as Hestia left Poseidon summoned a one sided Iris message. She never told we can't look from far said Poseidon with a grin. Percy mimicked his grin as Hades and Nico had a smile of there own.

They saw how they arrived at hunter's camp. How Hestia was greeted by the hunters. Percy respected the hunter's allot as they killed his mother's killer for him but what caught Percy's eye was a girl who appeared to around twelve or thirteen. She had a face of such beauty that it made Percy catch his breath, cold and bright eyes as silvery yellow as the winter, and auburn hair gathered back in a ponytail. Hades saw this and nudged his brother. Poseidon saw this and sighed, of course son of sea's will go after moon.

Hades and Poseidon decided that they will deal with this later. Rest of the meeting went fine but Percy's eye never left the girl. If Aphrodite could feel love at first site she would have felt a strongest force yet.

Artemis accepted Bianca in her hunt but Hestia made Artemis swear on Styx that she would never reveal her parentage to any god. Artemis knew better than to piss of Hades so she agreed.

Hestia bid her farewell to Artemis and kissed Bianca goodbye and asked her to take care of herself.

As soon as Hestia left Poseidon closed the Iris message. It was just in time as Hestia appeared.

Percy was still dazed. Poseidon picked him and left saying that they need to go for underwater training, Hades did the same with Nico and took him to underworld. Hestia was confused what was going on but knew better to question her brother's.


It has been few mouths since Percy has developed a passion for hunting. He would go capture his pray will bring them back to island and made a perfect environment for them. They could roam free on Island without the fear off being hurt. They preferred to stay on the island as it was safe and unaffected by humans they Island has grew three times of Its original size. Nico was in underworld training with his father.

Today was a special day Percy was going to hunt his toughest opponent. He was going to hunt Phoenix as a gift for his mother.


I and Athena were out to hunt a Nemean lion, as she needed it's skin for something. I did not bothered asking why she needed it as she rarely asked for favor and no way was I declining this fun challenge.

I instructed my hunt to set camp here as I left my lieutenant in charge.

We left at location it was last spotted. We are some ware near Arizona we were following the fresh footprint. It took us half an hour to track down the beast but the thing we saw next was shocking. There was a boy playing fetch the the ball with Nemean lion. He was surrounded by them but they did not harmed him they were having fun with him.

The boy had long black hair with steaks of black in them witch were perfectly tied into a bun. He was wearing a black jeans with black sneakers with a white shirt on top.

"He looks hot" said Athena I hate but I have to agree with her, The boy did looked good. The odd thing was that he was carrying two sword's with him.

The boys head suddenly turned toward our direction, He started running toward our direction I was about to attack him but Athena stopped me saying lets watch what he is doing. We hid behind a tree as our presence was suppressed.

We saw him go near a creek and hid behind a tree Nemean hid as well.

We waited for a few moment. we heard the flapping noise so did the boy. We saw a freaking  Phoenix land on the other side of creak. The boy had a smirk on his face. He held his hand like he was holding a bow but there was no bow in his hand suddenly a bow made of ice materialized in his hand. He pulled back the sting a arrow appeared on it.

He calmed his heartbeat as he shot an arrow but before it could hit the Phoenix It transformed into a net and captured it. The net was made of ice but it was not melting by Phoenix's fire.

The boy appeared in front of Phoenix. Phoenix was struggling  for his life. The boy touched Phoenix head as it slowly begined to calm down. He lift the net but Phoenix did not run away. It sat on boy's shoulder.

The boy plucked few of his feather's. Which Phoenix did not seam to mind.

He lit a fire with his bare hand and dumped feathers and Nemean lion pelt in fir.

Thankyou Lady Artemis for a successful Hunt.

I got the sacrifice boy put out the fire with water witch appeared on his hand.

The boy and lion's walked away as me and Athena stood there gapping like a fish.

Who was he? was our main question.


To be continued.......... 

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