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Chiron was happy that there were at least two campers that Mr. D cared about others than his sons. Percy and Nico looked liked well mannered kids as Chiron was thinking this a greenish red glow covered Percy and black glow covered head. Hade's symbol appeared over Nico, The thing that shocked Chiron was that Percy did not have 1 symbol over him, He had Two symbol's over him. First was symbol of Poseidon second was one that confused Chiron it was the symbol of Hestia. Chiron bowed two them. 

Percy you will move into cabin 3 Nico you will have to move in cabin 11, as we don't have cabin for hades Chiron said.

Don't worry about it sir Nico will live in my father's cabin our father's already discussed about it. He has no problem with Nico living in his cabin Percy said.

Chiron was not sure about it but Mr. D said he was telling the truth as he just got message from Poseidon.

Percy grin and Nico smiled.

I will show you the camp follow me said Chiron as he came out from his wheelchair in his true form. Percy was not able to hold back as he stroked Chiron's mane carefully with full care, a wave of hope washed over Chiron. He smiled as he ruffled Percy's hair and lead them through the camp showing them all the place.

Percy and Nico were excited to meet there bigger sister. Chiron had gone for his archery class as he asked them to wait here as he send Thalia for rest of the tour. Percy and Nico were waiting for there cousin. As they were approached by girl who could be described as having the height of a basketball player and the muscular body of a rugby player. She had dark "pig eyes," and pale brown hair that is described as stringy.

I guess you are a newbie, Said the girl.

Percy smiled and told her that they just arrived today. Maybe she was not expecting to get a cheerful reply or it was Percy's smiled that made her speechless for a few seconds.

The boys around her saw this and decided to take matter on there own hand and tried to punch Percy but his punched was stopped by Nico who stood beside Percy. Percy gave a roundhouse kick to the boy who fell face first on the ground unconscious. Rest were about to attack them but Percy and Nico draw there weapon. Camper's who were seeing this were scared the display of power. "STOP".

All people looked at the source of voice. There stood a girl in the lead had spiky black hair and a black leather jacket. She wore a silver circlet on her head like a princess's tiara, which didn't match her skull earrings or her Death to Barbie T-shirt showing a little Barbie doll with an arrow through its head. Percy and Nico put down there weapon as they recognized there cousin. She was followed by girl which Percy recognized as his girlfriends brain daughter. The last was a tall, Highschool-aged young man with an athletic, muscular build. He had short-cropped sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a sharp nose, and the sneaky look like all Hermes demigod children.

You know better that to attack the kids of big three Said the girl. The silence took over the camp  followed by chaos. Percy took the water from lake and dumped the camper's over with it. 

Silence our sister is speaking said Nico.

Thalia or no one was expecting this kind of reply. Thalia was happy that her half brother's respected her. 

The camper's left as the only one's left were Percy, Nico, Thalia and the two kids behind her. 

Percy was first move as he hugged Thalia, Nico Joined them. Thalia first felt awkward but then gave into it. Thalia showed them cabin three. Percy invited her inside so that they could get familiar with each other. Thalia was hesitant to enter first as it was not allowed to enter other gods cabin but Percy pulled her inside and nothing happened.

They all sat on floor as they discussed about each other's life.

Thalia told how she ran from her home as her mother did not wanted her and blamed her that she fell from sport lite.

Nico told how her mother was shot by lightning how he had to move in hotel where he stayed before meeting Percy. Thalia felt bad for Nico as he had to grow through because her father was insecure.

The last story was worst of all. Nico did not knew about the abuse as he went through. As Percy told them they were furious, He calmed them down and continued his story as he met his father and punched him both Thalia and Nico laughed at it, He told them how and why He was adopted by Hestia he told them about his life from there on, Thalia felt a little jealous but that disappeared quickly when Percy invited her to move in with them. Nico nodded his head to this. Thalia agreed as she wanted that mother and daughter interaction.

Percy told her about the problem that Olympus was in and how weapons of there father went missing. Thalia was shocked about the situation. She told last they went to Olympus nothing was like that. Percy explained as a god cannot steal another Gods weapon so a half blood must have been involved. Thalia was having hard time believing but she knew some campers hold grudge against there parents.

Percy told how they have come to get a quest. He also asked her to join them as quest were meant for three person. She immediately agreed as she wanted to help her father but most of all she wanted to spend time with her brother's.


To be continued...............  

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