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As Hestia left with Percy and other's. Hades started speaking. I know you guys were watching the quest but you were not able to see what happened after Styx as my Domain does not allow Iris without permission.

What are you getting at brother asked Zeus. 

When they were in Underworld, As they were passing the entrance to pit. Thalia was dragged toward the Pit if it was not for Percy she would have been dragged into the Pit.

Zeus and everyone except Hera palled as she did not liked Zeus children which he had with affair's but still she was worried about her sister's son.

When I reached there Percy and Thalia were dangling over the entrance. As we pulled them up I heard the voice off our father as he casted a spell to drag the kids Inside.

The elder Olympians went pale as they heard their father.

Zeus was in deep thought as he was hearing the news for quit some time but refused to believe it now that his brother was saying it, It must be true.

The commotion was at all time high. Zeus blasted a bolt to stop the bickering.

You all have heard what hades has told. From what I can get from the information is that Father has not risen completely as of yet, If he would have risen I doubt any of us could stop his spell alone.

Athena took the information as she tried to make a plan. Hades how did he dragged Thalia asked Athena.

I am not too sure niece as when I arrived Percy had burned of the cause as according to him the shoes she was wearing started to fly on there own without her command as they shined dark purple Hades said.

Shining dark purple that means a spell was cast on them. Said Athena.

While this was going on Zeus Poseidon and Hades all felt power being pulled from there domain. As Hestia burst in thrown room.

Brother please save Heracles, shouted Hestia.

What happened to Heracles asked Zeus.

Well I was in my 20's form so He tried to make a move on me and Percy Nico and Thalia saw this they attacked him. Hestia said all this in one breath.

So we should save the kids as they are going against a god said Apollo.

Zeus immediately summoned an Iris message to see the situation. They all saw Heracles knocked unconscious lying in his pool of Ichor. As Thalia Nico and Percy kicked his body all while using there power Percy lifted his foot high as Greek fire covered It he brought it down delivering a Nasty axe kick right into Heracles dick The floor cracked from the impact. 

All the male gods put there hands on there crotch mentally felling the pain of Heracles. Well it's official Heracles is ball-less he is not having any future kids.

Ares was glad Percy went easy on him.

Zeus summoned  them back to the thrown room Percy did not see where he was as he unsheathe his sword As aquatic flame's licked the blade he was about to behead Heracles but Zeus stooped his hands.

Poseidon and Hades were able drag Nico and Thalia back, Percy turned his head to see who had stopped him as his eye showed him emotion perfectly as it showed blue flames. Zeus was a little taken back by intensity in his eye but he had a secure grip on Percy as Percy tried to struggle free from him.

Hestia came and wacked Percy on his head then hugged him with calmed him down.

Zeus and other gods went back to throne seeing the Trio has calmed down.

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