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As Nico rapped the head in paper and put it in a duffle bag. Percy and Thalia opened there eyes. Nico was holding the duffle bag like it had grocery's in it.

So what do we do with this as lifts the duffle bag gesturing at it said Nico. In my opinion we should get someone to make same shields as lady Athena has suggested Thalia. That can wait for now we should focus on getting our dad's weapon first said Percy. He then went into Medusa's office to look for something to help them on there quest. He found receipts of transaction made to Underworld. Percy Threw the receipts for Nico to check. He found 20$ and 15 Drachma he put them in the bag he found some slips for Hermes Express. He put duffle bag in the box sealed it put a slip of Hermes express on it. He did not knew where to send so he asked Hermes to hold on to it till he reached Olympus He put 5 coins on the slip. Box disappeared Percy thanked Hermes for his support.

The trio did not wanted to move in night as will attract more monster so they decided to stay here as this place had Medusa's sent. Monster will not come near it. They shut all the windows and locked the door. Nico offered to take the first watch. Thalia and Percy laid on the chair.


All gods except Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Poseidon were watching the quest.

He is only 12 and he has faced two of the deadliest monster in history and survived said Zeus in shock. Well he has a habit of pissing of people who are powerful then him, said Hestia. Well hardest route make strongest hero's said Athena with a little pride which was ignored by other gods but all of them agreed.

As they saw Percy and Thalia fall asleep. As they saw Percy moving restlessly in the dream.   

Zeus summoned Morpheus, Hades and Poseidon as was sure something was not right.

All of them arrived as Morpheus showed them what was going on in Percy's dream.

They saw Percy was standing near a large whole.

WHAT IS HE DOING NEAR THE ENTRANCE OF TARTARUS!! shouted Hades. All gods went pale hearing the name of Tartarus.

They saw the dead pulling Percy back from the pit. 

"Help me Hero, Help me rise bring the weapons to me. Don't be a pawn of Olympus". The eldest 6 paled on hearing this voice so did Percy, as Percy sprinted the other direction.

He was unable to move It felt like some invisible chains were latching on to him as he was slowly started to pull toward the pit. Gods were at the edge of there seat.

Percy's let out a war cry, as his body was covered in blue flames. Percy's body in real world was also covered in blue flames Nico saw this and went for his bag took out nectar and powered it into Percy's mouth. Percy immediately got up Thalia who did know what was going on brought out water and powered it over him the flames did not die. Nico stopped her saying she was adding fuel to the fire. Slowly Percy controlled the fire as it vanished Percy asked to pour water on him which she did and he immediately felt better.

Gods on other hand had there mouth hit the flour. Sister what flames were these asked Hades. Hestia without looking at him said Aquatic flame her full concentration was on the screen. 

Percy told Nico and Thalia about his dream.

Zeus spoke after this quest is over we must have this discussed in Winter Solstice. Hestia what are those fames asked Zeus. They are a more concentrated version of Greek fire they are hotter than Greek fire and they are inextinguishable said Hestia. It is very power consuming if Nico would have not given Percy Nectar his body would have been burned. Poseidon was grateful for Nico.

They saw Percy go into kitchen and triple shot espresso he added nectar into it and downed the whole thing.

Nico saw this and said " And people call me emo".

Gods Percy and Thalia all laughed at it.

Nico and Thalia slept know as no way in hell Percy was sleeping after that incident.

Percy summoned his knife and played with it while reading a book he brought.

Zeus was having a hard time excepting that there father was awake but that Voice belonged to him no doubt. He looked at his sibling for confirmation they all agreed that there father was rising again and this would be there biggest battle yet.

Aphrodite suddenly squeal as they all saw Thalia cuddling with Nico. Percy saw this and took out a Drachma and made a rainbow out off his water and fire power. He offered the coin to Lady iris for a picture of the scene. The offering was taken and Percy got a picture in 8K. Percy's grin made all the god's except Hestia who was also smiling.

They will die from embracement from tomorrow as Percy does not leave chance like this Said Poseidon from experience. Hades nodded in his agreement. 

Zeus was now worried about his daughter asked what did he do to you brother asked Zeus.

He got a potion made from Hecate to change my gender and got Amphitrite to dress me like a girl and took photo of it made a huge Poster of It and Put it on my castles gate.

Zeus was now scared.

I had to say you look good as a girl said Hestia. As she played with a photo.

Don't tell me he send you a copy. Said Poseidon.

Copy he send me the original plus the Photoshoot he and Amphitrite did while you were asleep said Hestia.

Poseidon paled as now the gods look way more interested in the Photo.

Hestia gave photo to Hera and Demeter who for first few seconds said nothing then burst out laughing as they  fell on floor with tears coming out of there eyes.

Now gods were dying to sea the photo, But Hestia refused saying it was her bargaining chip. 


To be continued..........

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