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Apollo came in the throne room in a hurry and shot a summoning arrow. All the gods except Dionysus came as he was looking after Percy.

What is the matter son asked Zeus.

Well Luke son of Hermes figured out that Mathew son Hecate was the one who used the magic on Thalia's shoes which dragged her into Tartarus, They changed after her as Percy was about to attack him he threw a Pit scorpion at Percy which bit him. I was summoned by Aunty Hestia to cure him, I asked Nico to bring Uncle Hades as Drops of pit scorpion were needed for cure as Percy. Uncle came and now Percy is in a stable condition.

So what is the problem son Percy is safe is he not asked Zeus.

The problem is not with Percy It's with Aunt Hestia said Apollo.

Poseidon was worried for his son but after last line he was sure Hestia was after to kill someone Athena and Artemis were not looking good either as they were worried for Percy.

What's wrong with Hestia asked Hera as she was concerned or her sister.

To put it simply she is in killing mode and she is after Hecate, Uncle Hades has gone after her but he has requested backup.

Gods except Poseidon were not sure if Hestia could kill anyone but Poseidon knew if it ever came to Percy She would not hesitate to fight Primordial Titan's and Gods combined.

Brother we should hurry I don't think Hades will be able to hold her for long I suggest we go to help.

Why are you worried Poseidon Hades is in no way weak and Our sister does not like violence said Zeus.

Brother when it comes to Percy Hestia won't hesitate to kill She once beat me and Hades combined with our weapon when we took Percy and Nico to Pub.

Now gods were worried. 

Hecate came running into the thrown room with her cloth's burned and she was covered in scars.

Save me lord Zeus, I have nothing to do with my son's action but lady Hestia refuses to believe what I say she is fixed on getting Revenge.

Zeus was about to speak when the door of Throne room burst open as Hades flew in and fell on the middle of throne room he was covered in scars. His chest was burn Apollo rushed to help him.

Apollo I asked for reinforcement why did I not get any asked Hades.

Well they were about to come said Apollo.

Hecate was scared and hid behind Zeus's throne.

Apollo to go and wake Percy only he can stop the carnage screamed Poseidon.

Apollo immediately left.

Brother be ready to see why Hestia is strongest child of father.

Hestia slowly walked into the thrown room she was standing at an astounding height of 32 feet with her her body covered in flames with her scythe covered in black flames.

Zeus was about to speak when Hestia spoke give Hecate peacefully and nothing bad will happen.

Ares tried to stop her but one back hand slap from Hestia knocked him out.

Zeus was now scared for his life he did not felt this scared fighting typhon. 

As she slowly walked forward burning the floor as she walked.

Apollo appeared in between the throne room.

Aunty Hestia Percy is awake and is looking for you said Apollo.

Hestia teleported that same instant.

Apollo fell on the floor exhausted. Artemis gave him some Nectar. Which he drank.

How did you get him to wake up Apollo no one has woken from the bite of Pit scorpion within a day asked Hades.

It took all of my energy along with Dionysus.

Poseidon looked at Zeus with a smug face. Now brother your opinion on strongest god must have changed said Poseidon.

I never knew our sister could go out for blood like this said Zeus as he slopped on his Throne.

Hecate now is your time apologize to Hestia she wont hurt you in front of Percy said Hades.

Hecate did not need to be told twice as she left.

Things will get a lot more interesting from now said Zeus.



Part 2 will start from 23rd May.

Thankyou for all your support.

@146852586a Thankyou for your comment's I looked forward to reading them.


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