Chapter three (Different ).

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She placed her on her rotten bed, she covered her properly to prevent the cold. On her forehead she saw a orange crystal .she touched it but it burnt her finger. She noticed that her eyes was purple. This is so surprising to her, her own duty is to watching  over the girl. She will be calling her kaita, the name was different from every name in the whole of the large empire. Anna laid beside katia ; watching her while she was sleeping. She kept on looking at her and this makes her remember her adams . she looked at her for ten minutes as she give in to sleep.
"Young master Ravein, its time to have your bathe." The royal maid said bowing down her head. Ravein had now turned eight. He looks so handsome like is father. He as a long  black raven hair , an eagle eyes shape , a rosy lip and a flawless skin. At is young age He gives order to the royal  maidens
and royal guards. He is as cold devil like is grandfather, He dismissed the maid. He hate them bathing him, he stood up from the gaintagatic master bed. He stood in front of the large window, he looked at the town that surround the large palace.
" prince Ravein." Someone called,he turned.
"Good morning son." she gave him a bow.Ravein hugged her mother.
"Do not bow mother."
She smiled, she released him from the hug.
"I show respect to the future heir of this empire. So it part of the custom."
"Wouldn't allow you even though is part of the custom. You are my mother."
Empress Alice looked is son, he is young but he act like an adult.she rubbed is  hair.
"Freshing up , and join us for breakfast."
"Yes , mother." He smiled, the queen turned and walked away. He went to a large pool to take his bathe. After talking is bathe , the maidens dressed him up before he went to family dinning from which was located in the garden. He sat down beside is father with is food placed in front of is table . the empore cleared is throat and turned to is son.
" your consins are coming for holiday during this weekend."
" I don't necessary want them, they are distraction."
The empore smiled. He dropped is fork.
"It time son, Your teacher is here." Empress Alice said, cleaning her mouth with a napkin. She stood up from the chair walking out of the dining room.  The Empore and Ravein walked outside,side by side.
"Can I explore the town without guards with me?"
"You can't until you have fully come of age."
Ravein knows that his father was trying to protect him from ulterates . he could fight  With just sword and arrow . his tearcher had not taught him surviving skills yet so he just have to listen to father.
"But still son, you are growing up .Your five consins are coming so behave nice and don't be despicable."
"While, I will just have to lock my doors to read books then wasting silly time to chitchat."
" well thats left of you to do so. Meet xhal, to teach you sword fighting."
The Empore walking away to is studyroom.following is Father's order. He went to meet Xhal for the sword fighting.
Anna walked up,as the ray of light flashed on her eyes. She closed the window, and looked at the tiny figure beside her the little sunlight flashed through a sorn cloth on her orange hair. She remembered yesterday night and immediately stood up and left the house closing the door  tight. She walked to the boarder ; she search through the walls and seeing green  grass that surround the wall , she search for the body of kaita 's mother but she couldn't fine it only a grey mini sack. She took it home and search through the sack and saw a letter written in marliic language.

*khvxhnjjgf gjj as hjk kybvV hailks moulabi
Hit ala , kauycdv. Rhhejibra ,jehvdond hjdj hdhjkrikrkju.*( please take care of kaita. Her life is in danger, please keep her as your own. Her abilities should please be hidden , she is a different from every child, please keep her by any means.*)

Anna looked at  kaita who was awake and was busy sitting quietly and staring at her.Anna grasped , as she stared at her purple eyes. She was a goddess to behold and worship. She was so beautiful; the orange crystal on her forehead was becoming tiny and clearly not be seen and also with the crystals at the back of her hand. Anna looked at her transformation, Kaita looks upgraded making Anna shocked in surprised and astonished. Kaita looks like a three year old  girl. Anna now understand what was writing on the paper.she felt a soft hand touching her face.Kaita smiled at her.
"Are you okay, mother?"
What kaita was looking at was her dead mother's face smiling at her. He smiled back as she thought her mother was truly alive.

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